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单词 tar
释义 tar[tɑ:]n. 焦油, 柏油, 水手vt. 涂以焦油, 玷污, 怂恿a. 焦油的【化】 焦油【医】 焦油相关词组:tar sb onknock the tar out of sbbeat the tar out of sb tar 1  tar 1  AHD:  [tär] D.J.  [t$8]K.K.  [t$r]n.(名词)1. A dark, oily, viscous material, consisting mainly of hydrocarbons, produced by the destructive distillation of organic substances such as wood, coal, or peat.焦油:一种黑色的油状黏稠物质,主要含碳氢化合物,通过对有机物质(如木材、煤炭或泥炭)进行干馏而制得2. Coal tar.柏油3. A solid residue of tobacco smoke containing byproducts of combustion.尼古丁:一种由烟草产生的烟的固体残留物,含有燃烧过程的副产品及物动词)  tarred,tar.ring,tars To coat with or as if with tar.用焦油(或柏油)或仿佛用焦油(或柏油)来覆盖习惯用语:tar and feather  1. To punish (a person) by covering with tar and feathers.通过在其身体上粘上柏油和羽毛来惩罚(一个人)2. To criticize severely and devastatingly; excoriate.严厉地和带毁灭性地批评;狠批语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English teru * see  deru- 源自 古英语 teru *参见 deru-  tar 2  tar 2  AHD:  [tär] D.J.  [t$8]K.K.  [t$r]n.Informal (名词)【非正式用语】 A sailor.水手语源:Possibly short for tarpaulin 可能为 tarpaulin的简写




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