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单词 technetium
释义 technetium[tek'ni:ʃiəm]n. 锝【化】 锝【医】 锝(43号元素) technetium  AHD:  [tµk-n¶“sh¶-…m, -sh…m] D.J.  [tek6ni8.i8*m, -.*m]K.K.  [tWk6ni.i*m, -.*m]n.Symbol Tc (名词)符号 Tc A silvery-gray radioactive metal, the first synthetically produced element, having 14 isotopes with masses ranging from 92 to 105 and half-lives up to 2.6×106 years. It is used as a tracer and to eliminate corrosion in steel. Atomic number 43; melting point 2,200&9{=}C; specific gravity 11.50; valence 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. See table at element 锝:一种银灰色放射性金属,是第一个人工合成的元素,有十四个原子量从92到105且半衰期高达2.6×106年的同位素。用作放射追踪剂并可消除钢铁腐蚀现象。原子序数43;熔点2,200&9{=}C;比重11.50;原子价0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 参见 element语源:1. From Greek tekhn¶tos [artificial] 源自 希腊语 tekhn¶tos [人工的] 2. from teknasthai [to make by art] 源自 teknasthai [人工制造] 3. from tekhn¶ [art] * see  technical 源自 tekhn¶ [人工] *参见 technical




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