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单词 baluster
释义 baluster['bæləstə]n. 栏杆的支柱, 栏杆 baluster  AHD:  [b²l“…-st…r] D.J.  [6b#l*st*]K.K.  [6b#l*st+]n.(名词)1. One of the upright, usually rounded or vase-shaped supports of a balustrade.栏杆柱:一种直立的,通常为圆形或花瓶形的栏杆支撑物2. An upright support, such as a furniture leg, having a similar shape.支柱:一种直立的具有相似形状的支撑物,如家具腿3. One of the supporting posts of a handrail.扶栏支柱语源:1. French balustre 法语 balustre 2. from Italian balaustro 源自 意大利语 balaustro 3. from balaustra [pomegranate flower (from a resemblance to the post)] 源自 balaustra [石榴花(因与柱杆相似而得名)] 4. from Latin balaustium 源自 拉丁语 balaustium 5. from Greek balaustion 源自 希腊语 balaustion




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