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单词 tel.
释义 tel.  tel.  abbr.(略语)1. Telegram. Telegram.2. Telegraph. Telegraph.3. Telegraphic. Telegraphic.4. Telephone. Telephone. tel- 1  tel- 1  pref.(前缀)Variant of tele- tele-的变体 tel- 2  tel- 2  pref.(前缀)Variant of telo- telo-的变体 tel…-  派生:1. Important derivatives are: toll1 philately,tolerate,retaliate,talent,tantalize,Atlantic,Atlas,collate,elate,legislator,relate,superlative,translate,extol重要派生词为: toll1 philately,tolerate,retaliate,talent,tantalize,Atlantic,Atlas,collate,elate,legislator,relate,superlative,translate,extol2. To lift, support, weigh; with derivatives referring to measured weights and thence to money and payment.举起,升高, 支持, 衡量,援助; 和表示称重量和此处为计算钱数和款额.3. Suffixed form*tel…-mon- . telamon , from Greek  telam½n , supporter, bearer. 添加后缀的形式*tel…-mon- . telamon , 源自 希腊语  telam½n , 支持者, 搬运者. 4. Suffixed form*tel(…)-es- . 添加后缀的形式*tel(…)-es- . 5. toll 1 ; philately , from Greek  telos , tax, charge; toll 1 ; philately , 源自 希腊语  telos , 税, 费用; 6. tolerate , from Latin  toler³re , to bear, endure. tolerate , 源自 拉丁语  toler³re , 忍受, 忍耐. 7. Suffixed zero-grade form*t§…-i- . talion ; retaliate , from Latin  t³li½ , reciprocal punishment in kind, possibly “something paid out,” from *tali-  (influenced by t³lis , such). 添加后缀的零级形式*t§…-i- . talion ; retaliate , 源自 拉丁语  t³li½ , 善意地相互惩罚,可能为“花掉,花费”,源自 *tali-  (influenced by t³lis , such). 8. Suffixed variant zero-grade form*tala-nt- . talent , from Greek  talanton , balance, weight, any of several specific weights of gold or silver, hence the sum of money represented by such a weight. 添加后缀的不同零级形式*tala-nt- . talent , 源自 希腊语  talanton , 平衡, 重量, 金或银任何一种特殊的重量, 此处指代表金银重量的钱数. 9. Perhaps (but unlikely) intensive reduplicated form*tantal- . ( tantalize ), Tantalus , from Greek  Tantalos , name of a legendary king, “the sufferer.” 也许(但未必是) 强调的重叠形式*tantal- . ( tantalize ), Tantalus , 源自 希腊语  Tantalos , 传说中一个国王的名字, “受害者,受难者.” 10. Perhaps (but unlikely) zero-grade form*t§…- . Atlantic , Atlas , from Greek  Atlas  (stem Atlant- ), name of the Titan supporting the world. 也许(但未必是) 零级形式*t§…- . Atlantic , Atlas , 源自 希腊语  Atlas  (字干 Atlant- ), 支持世界的泰坦神的名字. 11. Suffixed zero-grade form*t§…-to- . ablation , collate , dilatory , elate , illation , legislator , oblate 1 , prelate , prolate , relate , sublate , superlative , translate , from Latin  l³tus , “carried, borne,” used as the suppletive past participle of ferre , to bear (see bher- 1 ), with its compounds. 添加后缀的零级形式*t§…-to- . ablation , collate , dilatory , elate , illation , legislator , oblate 1 , prelate , prolate , relate , sublate , superlative , translate , 源自 拉丁语  l³tus , “被运的, 承载的,” 用作 ferre 的不规则的过去分词, to bear (参见 bher-1 ), 和它的复合词. 12. Suffixed zero-grade form*t§…-³- . tola , from Sanskrit  tul³ , scales, balance, weight. 添加后缀的零级形式*t§…-³- . tola , 源自 梵语  tul³ , 体重计, 平衡, 重量. 13. Nasalized zero-grade form*t§-n-…- . extol , from Latin  tollere , to lift. 鼻音化的零级形式*t§-n-…- . extol , 源自 拉丁语  tollere , 举起. 语源:Pokorny  1060. 波科尔尼  1060.




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