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单词 telescope
释义 telescope['teliskəup]n. 望远镜vi. 叠缩, 嵌进, 缩短vt. 使叠缩, 使缩短【化】 望远镜 telescope  tel.e.scope  AHD:  [tµl“¹-sk½p”] D.J.  [6tel!7sk*&p]K.K.  [6tWl!7skop]n.(名词)1. An arrangement of lenses or mirrors or both that gathers visible light, permitting direct observation or photographic recording of distant objects.望远镜:采集可见光、能对远距离物体直接观察或照相记录的透镜、镜片或两者都有的装置2. Any of various devices, such as a radio telescope, used to detect and observe distant objects by their emission, transmission, reflection, or other interaction with invisible radiation.电波望远镜:通过远距离物体的发射、透射、反射或其它不可见辐射的相互作用来探测和观察远距离物体的设备,例如电波望远镜v.(动词)  tel.e.scoped,,tel.e.scopes及物动词)1. To cause to slide inward or outward in overlapping sections, as the cylindrical sections of a small hand telescope do.使叠缩:使…在重叠部分中向里或向外滑动,如小型手动望远镜的圆柱部分的叠缩2. To make more compact or concise; condense.缩短:使…更简短或简洁;缩短v.intr.(不及物动词)To slide inward or outward in or as if in overlapping cylindrical sections:叠缩:交搭的圆柱部分或好象是交搭的圆柱部分向里或向外滑动:a camp bucket that telescopes into a disk.能叠缩成圆盘的野营水桶语源:1. New Latin telescopium 现代拉丁语 telescopium 2. or Italian telescopio 或 意大利语 telescopio 3. both from Greek t¶leskopos [far-seeing] 都源自 希腊语 t¶leskopos [看得远的] 4. t¶le- [tele-] t¶le- [远距离] 5. skopos [watcher] * see  spek- skopos [观察者] *参见 spek-




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