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单词 teller
释义 teller['telə]n. 叙述者, 讲故事者, 出纳员【经】 出纳员 teller  AHD:  [tµl“…r] D.J.  [6tel*]K.K.  [6tWl+]n.(名词)1. One who tells:叙述者:a teller of tall tales.讲述难以令人相信的故事的人2. A bank employee who receives and pays out money.出纳员:接受和支付钱款的银行雇员3. A machine, as in a bank, that automatically conducts personal financial transactions in response to a client's use of a coded card.银行柜员机:银行使用的能对委托人持用的有密码的卡片作出反应并自动进行个人财产交易的机器4. A person appointed to count votes in a legislative assembly.计票人:被指派在议会中数票的人继承用法:tell“ership”  n.(名词) Teller  Tel.ler  AHD:  [tµl“…r] Edward (Born 1908) D.J.  [6tel*]K.K.  [6tWl+]NONE(无词性)Hungarian-born American physicist who helped develop the atomic bomb and provided the theoretical framework for the hydrogen bomb.特勒,爱德华:(生于 1908) 匈牙利裔美籍物理学家,他协助开发了原子弹并提供了氢弹的理论框架




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