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单词 tense
释义 tense[tens]a. 紧张的, 拉紧的vt. (使)紧张, (使)拉紧vi. (使)紧张, (使)拉紧n. 时态【医】 紧张的相关词组:at prime tense tense 1  tense 1  AHD:  [tµns] D.J.  [tens]K.K.  [tWns]adj.(形容词),tens.est 1. Tightly stretched; taut.See Synonyms at stiff See Synonyms at tight 拉紧的;紧绷的参见 stiff参见 tight2. In a state of mental or nervous tension.心理或神经紧张的3. Characterized by nervous tension or suspense.以精神紧张为特征的4. Linguistics Enunciated with taut muscles, as the sound (t).【语言学】 (语音)紧的:肌肉绷紧而发音的,如(t)音及物动词和不及物动词)  tensed,, To make or become tense.使或变的紧张语源:Latin t¶nsus [past participle of] tendere [to stretch] * see  ten- 拉丁语 t¶nsus  [] tendere的过去分词 [拉紧] *参见 ten- 继承用法:tense“ly  adv.(副词)tense“ness  n.(名词) tense 2  tense 2  AHD:  [tµns] D.J.  [tens]K.K.  [tWns]n.Abbr. t.Grammar (名词)缩写 t.【语法】 1. Any one of the inflected forms in the conjugation of a verb that indicates the time, such as past, present, or future, as well as the continuance or completion of the action or state.时态:指示时间如过去、现在或将来,或指示动作或状态的持续或完结的动词的各种曲折变化形式的任何一种2. A set of tense forms indicating a particular time:时态:指示某一特定时间的一系列时态形式:the future tense.将来时态语源:1. Middle English tens 中古英语 tens 2. from Old French [time] 源自 古法语 [时间] 3. from Latin tempus 源自 拉丁语 tempus




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