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单词 bandit
释义 bandit['bændit]n. 强盗 bandit  ban.dit  AHD:  [b²n“d¹t] D.J.  [6b#nd!t]K.K.  [6b#nd!t]n.(名词)1. A robber, especially one who robs at gunpoint.抢劫者:抢劫者,尤指带枪抢劫者2. An outlaw; a gangster.匪徒;歹徒3. One who cheats or exploits others.欺骗,剥削:欺骗或剥削他人者4. Slang A hostile aircraft, especially a fighter aircraft.【俚语】 敌方战斗机:敌方的飞机,尤指战斗机习惯用语:make out like a bandit 或  make out like bandits 【俚语】  To be highly successful in a given enterprise.在某一行业中非常成功语源:1. Italian bandito 意大利语 bandito 2. from bandire [to band together] 源自 bandire [绑在一起] 3. [probably of Germanic origin] * see  bh³- 2[可能源于日耳曼语的] *参见 bh³- 2继承用法:ban“ditry  n.(名词)




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