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单词 tern
释义 tern[tə:n]n. 三个一组, 燕鸥 tern 1  tern 1  AHD:  [tûrn] D.J.  [tT8n]K.K.  [tPn]n.(名词)Any of various sea birds of the genusSterna  and related genera, related to and resembling the gulls but characteristically smaller and having a forked tail. 燕鸥:燕鸥 属或相关各属的各种海鸟的任意一种,与海鸥相关或相似但其有明显小一些并有剪刀型的尾巴 语源:[Of Scandinavian origin] [源自斯堪的纳维亚语]  tern 2  tern 2  AHD:  [tûrn] D.J.  [tT8n]K.K.  [tPn]n.(名词)1. Games A set of three, especially a combination of three numbers that wins a lottery prize.【游戏】 三个一组:三个一套,尤指由三位数字组成的中奖号码2. Nautical A three-masted schooner.【航海】 三桅纵帆船语源:1. Middle English terne 中古英语 terne 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from ternes 源自 ternes 4. from Latin tern³s [accusative pl. of] tern&9{º} [three each] 源自 拉丁语 tern³s  [] tern&9{º}的宾格复数 [三个各自] 5. from ter [thrice] * see  trei- 源自 ter [第三] *参见 trei-




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