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单词 bank
释义 bank[bæŋk]n. 银行, 堤, 岸【医】 库相关词组:to bank sth upto bank with... bank 1  bank 1  AHD:  [b²ngk] D.J.  [b#0k]K.K.  [b#0k]n.(名词)1. A piled-up mass, as of snow or clouds.See Synonyms at heap 堆积,层:云雪等堆积起来的团块参见 heap2. A steep natural incline.滑坡:自然形成的陡峭的滑坡3. An artificial embankment.人造堤:人工建造的河堤4. Often banks The slope of land adjoining a body of water, especially adjoining a river, lake, or channel.常作 banks 水陆斜坡:陆地与水面相接的一面斜坡,特别指连接河、湖或运河的斜坡5. Often banks A large elevated area of a sea floor.常作 banks 海底斜坡:大面积倾斜的海底6. Games The cushion of a billiard or pool table.【游戏】 台边:撞球台面的软垫或撞球抬7. The lateral inward tilting, as of a motor vehicle or an aircraft, in turning or negotiating a curve.向内斜:机动车或飞机等转弯或越过障碍时向内侧倾斜v.(动词)  banked,,banks及物动词)1. To border or protect with a ridge or embankment.筑堤围栏,筑堤防护:用小土丘或堤坝来分隔、保护2. To pile up; amass:积聚:把…堆积起来;积聚:banked earth along the wall.沿墙边把土堆起来3. To cover (a fire), as with ashes or fresh fuel, to ensure continued low burning.封火,压火:用灰或新的燃料闷、封、压炉火等以维持小火继续燃烧4. To construct with a slope rising to the outside edge:建成斜坡:用向外倾斜的斜坡建造:The turns on the racetrack were steeply banked.赛车道的拐弯处都筑成了倾斜的路面5. To tilt (an aircraft) laterally and inwardly in flight.倾斜地前进:使(飞机)在飞行中向内侧面倾斜6. To tilt (a motor vehicle) laterally and inwardly when negotiating a curve.向内倾斜:使(汽车)在拐弯时向内或向内倾斜7. Games To strike (a billiard ball) so that it rebounds from the cushion of the table.【游戏】 反弹:把(弹子)打到弹子台的橡皮边使之弹回8. Sports To play (a ball) in such a way as to make it glance off a surface, such as a backboard or wall.【体育运动】 使弹过:拍(球)使之弹跳过阻挡物,如挡板或墙等v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To rise in or take the form of a bank.置倾斜状:上坡或呈倾斜的样子2. To tilt an aircraft or a motor vehicle laterally when turning.使向内倾:转弯时向内侧倾斜汽车或飞机语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. [of Scandinavian origin] [源于斯堪的纳维亚语族]  bank 2  bank 2  AHD:  [b²ngk] D.J.  [b#0k]K.K.  [b#0k]n.Abbr. bk.(名词)缩写 bk.1. A business establishment in which money is kept for saving or commercial purposes or is invested, supplied for loans, or exchanged.银行:进行金钱储存、投资、贷款、交换等的商业机构2. The offices or building in which such an establishment is located.银行所在地:这种机构所在的办公室或大楼3. Games 【游戏】 4. The funds of a gambling establishment.赌博场所的筹码5. The funds held by a dealer or banker in some gambling games.庄家的赌本:在某些赌博游戏中发牌者或庄家握有的现款6. The reserve pieces, cards, chips, or play money in some games, such as poker, from which the players may draw.发剩的牌:在某些游戏如扑克牌游戏中保留的张、卡、片或纸钱,游戏者可以从中抽牌7. A supply or stock for future or emergency use:库存:以备将来或急需的库存:a grain bank.粮库8. Medicine A supply of human tissues or other materials, such as blood, skin, or sperm, held in reserve for future use.【医学】 储库:储存人体组织或其它物质,如血液、皮肤、精子等以备将来之用的储存库9. A place of safekeeping or storage:储存地:安全存放储存东西的地方:a computer's memory bank.电脑记忆库10. Obsolete A moneychanger's table or place of business.【废语】 营业柜台:货币兑换商的柜台营业处v.(动词)  banked,,banks及物动词)To deposit in or as if in a bank.存钱:把钱存入或似乎存入银行v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To transact business with a bank or maintain a bank account.存款:与银行做业务往来或保留银行存款2. To operate a bank.开银行常用词组:bank on  To have confidence in; rely on.依赖,指望:在…上有信心;依赖语源:1. French banque 法语 banque 2. from Old Italian banca [bench, moneychanger's table] 源自 古意大利语 banca [柜台,货币兑换商的柜台] 3. from Old High German banc 源自 古高地德语 banc  bank 3  bank 3  AHD:  [b²ngk] D.J.  [b#0k]K.K.  [b#0k]n.(名词)1. A set of similar or matched things arranged in a row, especially:一组,一列:一排或一组相似或相关的物品,尤指:2. A set of elevators.一套电梯3. A row of keys on a keyboard.键排:键盘上的一排键4. Nautical 【航海】 5. A bench for rowers in a galley.划手席位:大木船里划桨者的板凳6. A row of oars in a galley.木帆船上的一排桨7. Printing The lines of type under a headline.【印刷术】 报纸等的副标题及物动词)  banked,,banks To arrange or set up in a row:把…列成一排:“Every street was banked with purple-blooming trees”(&b{Doris Lessing})“每条街道两边都种满了盛开紫花的树”(多丽丝·莱辛)语源:1. Middle English [bench] 中古英语 [板凳] 2. from Old French banc 源自 古法语 banc 3. from Late Latin bancus 源自 后期拉丁语 bancus 4. [of Germanic origin] [源于日耳曼语的]




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