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单词 textus receptus
释义 textus receptus  tex.tus re.cep.tus  AHD:  [tµk”t…s r¹-sµp“t…s] D.J.  [7tekt*s r!6sept*s]K.K.  [7tWkt*s r!6sWpt*s]n.(名词)1. Textus Receptus The Greek text of the New Testament that became standard in printed editions from the 16th to the end of the 19th century.Textus Receptus 公认经文:从16到19世纪末,成为标准发行版本的希腊语新约圣经版本2. The text of a written work that is generally considered genuine or original.标准版本:被视为真迹或原著版本的文稿内容语源:1. Latin [received text] Latin [received text] 2. textus  [text] textus  [text] 3. receptus  [past participle of] recipere [to receive] receptus   [past participle of] recipere [to receive]




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