单词 | that |
释义 | that[ðæt]a. 那, 那个conj. 以致, 因为pron. 那ad. 那么, 那样相关词组:now thatthat isupon thatwith thatall thatIt is...thatthat's iton that dayand all thatand thatat thatfor all thatin that that that AHD: [Y²t, Y…t] D.J. [H#t, H*t]K.K. [H#t, H*t]pron.(代词) 【复数】 those[Y½z] 1. Used to refer to the one designated, implied, mentioned, or understood:那个:用于指代所指、暗示、提及或被理解的事物:What kind of soup is that?那是什么汤?2. Used to refer to the one, thing, or type specified as follows:用于指代所跟随的某物、某事或某类型:The relics found were those of an earlier time.所发现的遗迹是较早的年代3. Used to refer to the event, action, or time just mentioned:那:指代已提过的事件、行为或时间:After that, he became a recluse.从那以后,他成了隐士4. Used to indicate the farther or less immediate one:那个:用于指示较远的或不是很近的一个:That is for sale; this is not.那个是出售的;这个不是5. Used to emphasize the idea of a previously expressed word or phrase:用于强调先前表达过的词或短语的意思:He was fed up, and that to a great degree.他已吃饱,而且相当撑6. The one, kind, or thing; something:某事:一个,种类或事物;某事物:She followed the calling of that she loved.她寻着她所爱之人的呼唤7. those Used to indicate an unspecified number of people:those 那些:用于指非特定的一群人:those who refused to join.拒绝参加的人8. Used as a relative pronoun to introduce a clause, especially a restrictive clause:作为关系代词引导从句,尤其是限定性从句:the car that has the flat tire.有扁平轮胎的汽车9. In, on, by, or with which:附加说明之物:相当于In,on,by or with which :each summer that the concerts are performed.举行音乐会的每个复季10. According to what; insofar as:根据;在…限度内:He never knew her, that I know of.就我所知,他从不认识她adj.(形容词) 【复数】 those 1. Being the one singled out, implied, or understood:那个:被选出的、暗示的或明白的:that place; those mountains.那个地方;那些山2. Being the one further removed or less obvious:那个:较远的或不太明显的:That route is shorter than this one.那条路比这条短adv.(副词)1. To such an extent or degree:那样:达到这样的范围或程度:Is your problem that complicated?你的问题那样复杂吗?2. To a high degree; very:高度;非常:didn't take what he said that seriously.别那么认真地接受他的活conj.(连接词)1. Used to introduce a noun clause that is usually the subject or object of a verb or a predicate nominative:用以导出名词从句:引导作为动词或谓语主格的主语或宾语的名词性从句:“That contemporary American English is exuberantly vigorous is undeniable”(&b{William Arrowsmith})“当代美国英语蓬勃繁荣是不可否认的”(威廉·阿罗史密斯)2. Used to introduce a subordinate clause stating a result, wish, purpose, reason, or cause:用以导出从属子句:引导表述结果、愿望、目的、原因或理由的从句:She hoped that he would arrive on time. He was saddened that she felt so little for him.她希望他按时到达。他很悲伤她小看他3. Used to introduce an anticipated subordinate clause following the expletiveit occurring as subject of the verb: 引导跟随词it 作为动词主语的强调从句: It is true that dental work is expensive.确实看牙很贵4. Used to introduce a subordinate clause modifying an adverb or adverbial expression:引导修饰副词或副词短语的从句:will go anywhere that they are welcome.去任何欢迎他们的地方5. Used to introduce a subordinate clause that is joined to an adjective or noun as a complement:引导连结作为补语的形容词或名词的从句:was sure that she was right; the belief that rates will rise soon.肯定她是对的;比率很快会上升的信念6. Used to introduce an elliptical exclamation of desire:引导表示渴望的省略感叹词:Oh, that I were rich!噢,我很富有!习惯用语:at that 1. In addition; besides:除了:除此之外;除了:lived in one room, and a small room at that.除了住一个房间,还有一个小房间2. Regardless of what has been said or implied:但是:不考虑已被说的或被暗示的:a long shot, but she just might win at that.长的射程,但她可能恰恰赢了that is To explain more clearly; in other words:也就是说:更清楚地表达;换句话说:on the first floor, that is, the floor at street level.在一楼,也就是说,和街道在同一层语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English thæt * see to- 源自 古英语 thæt *参见 to- 用法:1. The standard rule isthatthat should be used only to introduce a restrictive (or “defining”) relative clause, which serves to identify the entity being talked about;in this useit should never be preceded by a comma.Thus, we sayThe house that Jack built has been torn down, where the clausethat Jack built tells which house was torn down, orI am looking for a book that is easy to read, wherethat is easy to read tells what kind of book is desired. Onlywhich is to be used with nonrestrictive (or “nondefining”) clauses, which give additional information about an entity that has already been identified in the context;in this use,which is always preceded by a comma. Thus, we sayThe students in Chemistry 10 have been complaining about the textbook, which (not that ) is hard to follow. The clausewhich is hard to follow does not indicate which text is being complained about; even if it were omitted,we would know that the phrasethe textbook refers to the text in Chemistry 10. The use ofthat in nonrestrictive clauses like this, though once common in writing and still frequent in speech,is best avoided in formal style. ·Some grammarians have argued that symmetry requires thatwhich should be used only in nonrestrictive clauses, asthat is to be used only in restrictive clauses. Thus, they suggest that we should avoid sentences such asI need a book which will tell me all about city gardening, where the clausewhich will tell me all about city gardening indicates which sort of book is needed. Such use ofwhich is useful where two or more relative clauses are joined by and or or, as inIt is a philosophy in which the common man may find solace and which many have found reason to praise. Which is also preferred to introduce a restrictive relative clausewhen the preceding phrase itself contains athat, as inI can only give you that which I don't need (not that that I don't need ) or We want to assign only that book which will be most helpful (preferred tothat book that will be most helpful ). · That may be omitted in a relative clause when the subject of the clause is different from the referent of the phrase preceding the clause. Thus, we may say eitherthe book that I was reading or the book I was reading, where the subject of the clause (I ) is not the referent of the phrase the book. Omission ofthat in these cases has sometimes been described as incorrect, but the practice is extremely common and has ample precedent in reputable writing. ·There have also been occasional objections to the omission ofthat in its use to introduce a subordinate clause, as inI think we should try again. But this usage is entirely idiomatic and is in fact favored with some of the verb phrases that can introduce such clauses:thus, one would more normally write 标准规则中,that 应只被用于引导限定性(或“确定的”)关系从句, 这些从句用于明确正被谈论的实体;在这种情况下,前面决不能有逗号。因此,我们说杰克建的房子已经拆毁了 , 在这里,从句杰克所建的 指明哪幢房子被拆毁了, 或者我正在找一本易读的书 , 在这里,易读的 指明哪类书是需要的。 只有which 用于非限定性(或“不确定的”)从句中, 为已经在上下文中定义的实体提供附加信息;在此用法中,which 之前总有逗号。 因此,我们说化学10班的学生一直在抱怨这课本,实在 (不是 that ) 是太难懂了 。 从句which is hard to follow 并不指明哪一课本被抱怨; 即使它被省略,我们也知道the textbook 指化学10班的课本。 That 象这样用于非限定性从句中, 虽然在写作中曾很普遍而且在口语中依然频繁出现,但在正式文体中最好避免使用。一些语法学家认为对称性要求which 应只用于非限定性从句中, 就象that 只用于限定性从句中。 因此,他们建议我们应该避免诸如我需要一本关于城市园艺的书 这样的句子, 这里从句which will tell me all about city gardening 指明需要何种书。 当两个或多个关系从句被and 或 or 连接时, which 的这种用法很有用, 如是哲学使普通人找到慰藉并使许多人有理由去称颂。 Which 也用作引导限定性关系从句,在当前置短语中含有that 时, 如我只能给你我不需要的东西 (不是 that that I don't need )或 我们只想分发那本最用的书 (好于that book that will be most helpful )。 当从句主语与从句前短语所指不一致时,that 在关系从句中可以省略。 因此,我们可以说the book that I was reading 或者 the book I was reading 。 在这里,从句主语(I )和短语 the book 的主语不同。 在这些情况下,that 的省略有时被认为是错误的, 但是这在实际中极普遍而且在规范写作中有充分的先例。对于that 用于引导从句时被省略偶然持有异议, 如在我认为我们应该再试一次 中。 但这种用法完全符合语法而且实际上有一些引导这样从句的短语支持;因此,可以正常应用 I take it she has passed the test 我猜她通过了测验, 2. thanI take it that she has passed the test. Thatshould not be omitted, however, when the subordinate clause begins with an adverbial phrase or any element other than the subject: 好于I take it that she has passed the test。 然而,当从句以副词短语开头或其它不是主语的成份开头时,that不能省略: The book argues that eventually the housing supply will increase. 书中证实住宅供应最终会增加。 3. This last sentence would be ambiguous ifthat were omitted, since the adverbeventually could then be construed as modifying either argues or will increase. See Usage Note at doubt ,this ,whatever ,which ,who 最后一句话中如果that 被省略,句子将变得模棱而可, 因为副词eventually 可以被解释为修饰 argues or will increase 参见 doubt,this,whatever,which,who |
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