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单词 Thebes
释义 Thebes  Thebes  AHD:  [th¶bz] D.J.  [Gi8bz]K.K.  [Gibz]NONE(无词性)1. An ancient city of Upper Egypt on the Nile River in present-day central Egypt. It flourished from the mid-22nd to the 18th centuryb.c.  as a royal residence and a religious center for the worship of Amen. Its archaeological remains include many splendid temples and the tomb of Tutankhamen in the nearby Valley of the Kings. 底比斯:上埃及古城,濒临尼罗河,位于今埃及中部。曾为皇室居地和亚扪神膜拜的宗教中心,从公元前 22世纪中期到公元前18世纪曾繁荣一时。建筑遗迹包括许多辉煌的神殿和国王谷附近的杜唐卡蒙陵墓 2. An ancient city of Boeotia in east-central Greece northwest of Athens. Originally a Mycenaen city, it reached the height of its power in the fourth centuryb.c.  but was largely destroyed by Alexander in 336. 底比斯:位于雅典西北希腊中东部的彼奥提亚古城。起初是迈锡尼文明的古城,于公元前 4世纪达到权力最高峰,但在336年被亚历山大大帝严重破坏 继承用法:The“ban  AHD:  [th¶“b…n] (形容词)(名词)




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