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单词 Thompson
释义 Thompson 1  Thomp.son  AHD:  [t¼mp“s…n, t¼m“-] Benjamin (Count Rumford) (1753-1814) D.J.  [6tKmps*n, 6tKm-]K.K.  [6t$mps*n, 6t$m-]NONE(无词性)American-born British public official and physicist who conducted numerous experiments on heat and friction, concluding that heat is produced by moving particles.汤姆逊,本杰明:(1753-1814) 美裔英国官员和物理学家,进行了大量的热和摩擦实验并总结出热是由运动的粒子产生的 Thompson 2  Thompson&B{David} (&b{1770-1857})  NONE(无词性)Canadian explorer who followed the Columbia River to its mouth (1811) and mapped much of western Canada.汤姆逊,戴维:(1770-1857) 加拿大探险者,曾顺哥伦比亚河而下直到其入海口处(1811年)并绘制了加拿大西部大片地区的地图 Thompson 3  Thompson&B{Dorothy} (&b{1894-1961})  NONE(无词性)American journalist whose radio broadcasts and widely syndicated column “On the Record” (1936-1941) informed Americans of the impending threat of Nazi Germany.汤姆逊,多罗斯:(1894-1961) 美国新闻记者,他在广播播出和在报业辛迪加的报纸上广泛发表的专稿“迫在眉捷”(1936-1941年)告诫美国人纳粹德国即将来临的威胁 Thompson 4  Thompson&B{Francis} (&b{1859-1907})  NONE(无词性)British poet whose works, influenced by Keats and Shelley, include “The Hound of Heaven” (1893).汤姆逊,弗朗西斯:(1859-1907) 英国诗人,其作品受济慈和雪莱的影响,作品包括“天堂猎犬”(1893年)等 Thompson 5  ThompsonSir &B{John Sparrow David} (&b{1844-1894})  NONE(无词性)Canadian politician who served as prime minister (1892-1894).汤姆逊,约翰·斯巴罗·戴维:(1844-1894) 加拿大政治家,曾任总理(1892-1894年) Thompson 6  Thompson&B{Smith} (&b{1768-1843})  NONE(无词性)American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1823-1843).汤姆逊,史密斯:(1768-1843) 美国法学家,曾任美国最高法院的助理法官(1823-1843年)




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