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单词 thong
释义 thong[θɒ:ŋ]vt. 装皮带, 用皮鞭打n. 皮带, 皮鞭 thong  thong  AHD:  [thông, th¼ng] D.J.  [G%80, GK0]K.K.  [G%0, G$0]n.(名词)1. A narrow strip, as of leather, used for binding or lashing.皮带:一种用于绑缚或鞭打的窄的皮质带子2. A whip of plaited leather or cord.皮鞭:用皮革或绳索编成的辫状鞭子3. A sandal held on the foot by a strip that fits between the first and second toes and is connected to a strap usually passing over the top or around the sides of the foot.根插:固定在第一和第二个脚指间并同通常覆盖脚面并环绕脚侧面的皮条相系的皮条语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English thwong 源自 古英语 thwong




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