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单词 thorn
释义 thorn[θɒ:n]n. 刺, 棘, 荆棘 thorn  thorn  AHD:  [thôrn] D.J.  [G%8n]K.K.  [G%rn]n.(名词)1. Botany 【植物学】 2. A modified branch in the form of a sharp, woody spine.刺枝:一种经修复的有锐利、坚硬的突起的枝3. Any of various shrubs, trees, or woody plants bearing sharp, woody spines.带刺植物:任何带有锐利、坚硬突起的灌木树或木本植物4. Any of various sharp, spiny protuberances; a prickle.刺:任何锐利被刺的突起;皮刺5. One that causes sharp pain, irritation, or discomfort:刺痛:引起锐痛、刺激或不舒适之物:He is a thorn in my side.他是我的眼中钉6. The runic letter þ originally representing either sound of the Modern Englishth,  as in the  and thin,  used in Old English and Middle English manuscripts. 古字母P:北欧古文字母þ,最初代表用于古英语和中世纪英语的文稿中的the 及 thin 中的 th  语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English 源自 古英语 继承用法:thorn“less  adj.(形容词)




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