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单词 thresh
释义 thresh[θreʃ]vt. 打谷, 摔打, 反复研究, 推敲vi. 打谷, 鞭打, 剧烈扭动 thresh  thresh  AHD:  [thrµsh] D.J.  [Gre.]K.K.  [GrW.]v.(动词)  threshed,,及物动词)1. To beat the stems and husks of (grain or cereal plants) with a machine or flail to separate the grains or seeds from the straw.打谷:用机器或连枷打(谷或谷类植物的)茎和壳以使谷子或种粒与茎管分开2. To separate (grains or seeds) in this manner.脱粒:用此方法分开(谷子或种子)3. To discuss or examine (an issue, for example) repeatedly.翻来复去地讨论或检查(例如,问题)4. To beat severely; thrash.狠打:狠狠地打;鞭打v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To use a machine or flail to separate grain or seeds from straw.打谷:用机器或连枷从稻草中脱谷粒或种子2. To thrash about; toss.扔;抛语源:1. Middle English thresshen 中古英语 thresshen 2. from Old English therscan * see  ter…- 1源自 古英语 therscan *参见 ter…- 1




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