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单词 thrift
释义 thrift[θrift]n. 节约, 茂盛, 海石竹 thrift  thrift  AHD:  [thr¹ft] D.J.  [Gr!ft]K.K.  [Gr!ft]n.(名词)1. Wise economy in the management of money and other resources; frugality.节俭:在理钱财和其它财物上的经济;节省2. Vigorous growth of living things, such as plants.茁壮成长:如植物等有生命的东西茁壮地成长3. Any of several densely tufted plants of the genusArmeria,  especially A. maritima,  having white to pink flower heads with a funnel-shaped scarious calyx. 任一种海石竹草本 类簇生植物,尤指有猩红色花萼及白色到粉红色花蕊的 海石竹属 植物 4. A savings and loan association, credit union, or savings bank.Also called  thrift institution 一种存借机构、贷款单位或储蓄银行也作  thrift institution语源:1. Middle English [prosperity] 中古英语 [繁荣富强] 2. perhaps from Old Norse 可能源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 3. from thr&9{ºfask} [to thrive] * see  thrive 源自 thr&9{ºfask} [繁荣] *参见 thrive




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