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单词 thumb
释义 thumb[θʌm]n. 拇指vt. 以拇指拨弄, 笨拙地摆弄, 用拇指翻旧, 迅速翻阅, 作搭车手势【医】 拇指, 拇相关词组:turn up the thumbstick out like a sore thumbunder sb's thumbweigh the thumbthumb throughthumb through the records ofturn down the thumb thumb  thumb  AHD:  [th¾m] D.J.  [GJm]K.K.  [GJm]n.(名词)1. The short thick digit of the human hand, next to the index finger and opposable to each of the other four digits.拇指:人手上邻近食指且可与其它四指相对的短而粗的手指2. A corresponding digit in other animals, especially primates.Also called  pollex 趾:其他动物尤指灵长目动物相对应的趾头也作  pollex3. The part of a glove or mitten that covers the thumb.(手套的)拇指部分:手套或连指手套覆盖拇指的部分4. Architecture An ovolo.【建筑学】 馒形饰v.(动词)  thumbed,,thumbs及物动词)1. To scan (written matter) by turning over pages with or as if with the thumb.翻阅,翻查:用或似用拇指翻动(书写物的)纸张以浏览2. To disarrange, soil, or wear by careless or frequent handling.(用拇指)弄坏,弄脏:由于不细心或经常的使用而弄乱、弄脏或磨损3. Informal To solicit (a ride) from a passing vehicle by signaling with the thumb.【非正式用语】 要求搭便车:向路过的车辆坚起拇指请求搭车v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To scan written matter by turning over pages with or as if with the thumb:翻阅,翻查:用或似用拇指翻动书写物的纸张以浏览:thumbed through the latest issue of the magazine.翻阅最近的一期杂志2. Informal To hitchhike.【非正式用语】 要求搭便车习惯用语:all thumbs  Lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; clumsy.笨拙的:缺少身体上的协调、技能或风度的;笨拙的thumb (one's) nose  To express scorn or ridicule by or as if by placing the thumb on the nose and wiggling the fingers.作蔑视的手势:把或似把拇指放在鼻子上并摆动其它手指以表示批评或嘲弄thumbs down  An expression of rejection, refusal, or disapproval.反对:否决、拒绝或反对的表示thumbs up  An expression of approval, success, or hope.刮刮叫:赞同、成功或希望的表示under (one's) thumb  Under the control of someone; subordinate to.处于某人的控制下;受制于语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English th&9{¿ma} * see  teu…- 源自 古英语 th&9{¿ma} *参见 teu…-  Thumb  Thumb  AHD:  [th¾m] General Tom D.J.  [GJm]K.K.  [GJm]NONE(无词性)See  Charles Sherwood Stratton 参见  查尔斯·舌伍德 Stratton




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