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单词 ticket
释义 ticket['tikit]n. 票, 券, 车票, 标签, 入场券, 证明书vt. 加标签于, 为...购票【经】 票, 车票, 票签相关词组:write one's own ticketbe on ticket-of-leavebe not quite the ticketget one's ticketcut a ticket ticket  AHD:  [t¹k“¹t] D.J.  [6t!k!t]K.K.  [6t!k!t]n.(名词)1. Abbr. tkt.A paper slip or card indicating that its holder has paid for or is entitled to a specified service, right, or consideration:缩写 tkt.票,券:证明持有者已支付或有权获得某种特定的服务、权利或报酬的纸条或卡片:a theater ticket; an airline ticket.戏票;飞机票2. A certifying document, especially a captain's or pilot's license.执照:尤指船长或飞行员的执照等证明文件3. An identifying or descriptive tag attached to merchandise; a label.标签,票签:贴在商品上的标明性或描述性的标签;标签4. A list of candidates proposed or endorsed by a political party; a slate.候选人名单:某个政党提出或认可的候选人名单;候选人名单5. A legal summons, especially for a traffic violation.传票:尤指由于交通违规的合法传唤6. The proper or desirable thing:合适或需要的东西:A change of scene would be just the ticket for us.环境的变换正是我们所需要的7. Informal A means to an end:【非正式用语】 计划,规划:达到某种目的的方法:“He went to Washington . . . to become press secretary . . . it was his ticket out of the Delta”(&b{Nicholas Lamann})“他去了华盛顿…当了一名新闻秘书…这正是他离开德尔塔的方法”(尼古拉斯·拉曼恩)及物动词),,tick.ets 1. To provide with a ticket for passage or admission:为…购票:给一张票使能通行或被接收:ticket all passengers through to Amsterdam.给所有乘客提供去阿姆斯特丹的票2. To attach a ticket to; tag.See Synonyms at mark 1加标签于…:把一张标签贴到…上;贴上标签参见 mark13. To designate for a specified use or end; destine:谋划,计划:为达到一个特定的用途或目的而设计;谋划:funds that have been ticketed for research.供研究使用的基金4. To serve (an offender) with a legal summons:对…发生传票:合法地传唤(违规者):ticket a speeding motorist.传唤一名超速的摩托车手语源:1. Obsolete French etiquet [label, note] 已废法语 etiquet [标签,注解] 2. from Old French estiquet [notice, label] 源自 古法语 estiquet [通知,标签] 3. from Old Spanish etiqueta 源自 古西班牙语 etiqueta 4. from Old French estiquet [post serving as a target in certain sports] 源自 古法语 estiquet [在某些体育运动中用作目标的柱子] 5. from estiquier [to stick] 源自 estiquier [贴] 6. [of Germanic origin] * see  steig- [源于日耳曼语] *参见 steig- 注释:The resemblance in form between the wordsticket  and etiquette  is not accidental. Both words have the same ultimate source, Old Frenchestiquet,  but each was borrowed into English at a different time and with a different meaning.Old Frenchestiquet  meant “a note, label.” Having been changed in form toetiquet  in French, the word was adopted into English in the 16th century (first recorded in 1528)in a form,tiket,  without the initiale.  The earliest uses of the word in English were in the senses “a short written notice,” “a notice posted in a public place,” and “a written certification.”The word is first recorded with reference to something like a ticket of admission in 1673.In French, meanwhile, the word (in the formetiquette  in the 18th century) came to mean “ceremonial”; court ceremonies were noted down or labeled in a book known asl'étiquette.  The French word was borrowed again into English, this time in its French form, which is first recorded in 1750.ticket 与 etiquette 这两个词在形式上相似并非偶然。 它们从根本讲都源于古法语中的estiquet 这个词, 但它们被借用到英语中的时间不同且意思也不一样。古法语中的estiquet 的意思是“注解,标签”, 它在法语中变成了etiquet , 16世纪时它被吸收到了英语中(最早的文字记载是在1528年),形式是tiket, , 没有了字首的e. 。 这个词在早期英语中的意思是“写得很短的通知”、“贴在公共场所的通告”和“文字证明”。这个词最早的文字记载意为1673年时使用的一种类似入场券的东西。同时在法语中,这个词(18世纪时的形式是etiquette )的意思是“仪式的”; 在一本叫I'etiqutte 的书里被记载为宫廷仪式。 最早的文字记载在1750年,这个法语词再一次被借用于英语,这次使用了它的法语形式




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