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单词 tight
释义 tight[tait]a. 紧的, 密封的, 吝啬的, 严厉的ad. 紧紧地【经】 银根紧的, 商品难得到的相关词组:tight as a tickbe in a tight placesit tightfall tight asleep tight  tight  AHD:  [tºt] D.J.  [ta!t]K.K.  [ta!t]adj.(形容词),tight.est 1. Fixed or fastened firmly in place:紧的,牢固的:很紧地固定或绑在一个地方的:a tight lid; tight screws; a tight knot.很紧的盖子;拧得很紧的螺丝钉;系得很紧的结2. Stretched or drawn out fully:拉紧的,绷紧的:充分伸长或拉长的:a tight wire; a tight drumhead.拉得很紧的线;绷得很紧的鼓膜3. Of such close construction as to be impermeable:密封的,不漏的:结构紧密以至不透水的:cloth tight enough to hold water; warm in our tight little cabin.布料紧密且不透水;在我们结实的小屋里很温暖4. Leaving little empty space through compression; compact:密集的:通过压缩留下很少空间的;致密的:a tight suitcase; a tight weave.压得很实的衣箱;密织法5. Affording little spare time; full:紧凑的:提供极少的空闲时间的;满满的:a tight schedule.安排得满满的时间表6. Closely reasoned or concise:推理严密或简洁的:a tight argument; a tight style of writing.推理严密的论证;简洁的写作风格7. Fitting close or too close to the skin; snug:紧身的,紧贴的:紧紧地或过紧地贴在皮肤上的;紧身的:a tight collar; a fit that was much too tight.过紧的领子;过于紧身的衣服8. Slang Personally close; intimate:【俚语】 个人间密切的;亲密的:“me and the D.A., who happen to be very tight with one another”(&b{Tom Wolfe})“我和那位文学博士碰巧关系很密切”(汤姆·沃尔夫)9. Experiencing a feeling of constriction:经历一种压迫感的:a tight feeling in the chest.胸部有一种压迫感10. Reluctant to spend or give; stingy.吝啬的:不愿意花费或给予的;吝啬的11. Obtainable with difficulty or only at a high price:难得到的:很困难或以高价得到的:tight money.银根紧12. Affected by scarcity:商品难得到的:受稀有影响的:a tight market.供不应求的市场13. Difficult to deal with or get out of:麻烦的,棘手的:很难处理或很难脱离的:a tight spot.困境14. Barely profitable:几乎无利可图的:a tight bargain.一笔微利的交易15. Closely contested; close:势均力敌的:竞争势均力敌的;不分上下的:a tight match.势均力敌的比赛16. Chiefly British Neat and trim in appearance or arrangement.【多用于英国】 整洁的:外表或安排上整齐有序的17. Marked by full control over elements or subordinates; firm:严格的:以对物品或下级的全盘控制为特征的;严格的:tight management; a tight orchestral performance.严格的管理;整齐划一的管弦乐队演出18. Slang Intoxicated; drunk.【俚语】 喝醉了的;醉的19. Baseball Inside.【棒球】 场内的adv.(副词)  tighter,tightest 1. Firmly; securely.坚实地;牢固地2. Soundly:甜美地:sleep tight.睡得很香3. Snugly or with constriction:紧绷地:紧贴地或压迫地:My shoes are laced too tight.我的鞋系得太紧了语源:1. Middle English [dense] 中古英语 [浓密的] 2. [of Scandinavian origin] [源于斯堪的那维亚语] 继承用法:tight“ly  adv.(副词)tight“ness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. tight,taut,tense2. The central meaning shared by these adjectives is “not slack or loose on account of being pulled or drawn out fully”: 这些形容词共有的中心意思是“由于充分拉长或伸展而在外表上不松弛或不松散”: tense piano strings. See also Synonyms at  &b{stingy} 绷紧的钢琴弦 参见同义词 stingy用法:Tight  is used as an adverb following verbs that denote a process of closure or constriction, assqueeze, shut, close, tie,  and hold.  In this useit is subtly distinct from the adverbtightly. Tight   denotes the state resulting from the process,whereastightly  denotes the manner of its application. As such,tight  is more appropriate when the focus is on a state that endures for some time after the activity has ended. The sentenceShe closed up the house tight  suggests preparation for an impending blizzard. By the same token, it is more natural to sayThe windows were frozen tight  than The windows were frozen tightly,  since in this case the tightness of the seal is not likely to be the result of the manner in which the windows were frozen.With a few verbstight  is used idiomatically as an intensive and is the only possible form: sleep tight; sit tight. Tight  can be used only following the verb:The house was tightly  (not tight ) shut.  Tight 作副词用在表示关闭或压迫过程的动词后, 如squeeze,shut,close,tie 和 hold 。 在这种用法中,它与副词tightly有细微的差别。 Tight  表示过程导致的状态,而tightly 表示使用这些动作的方式。 因此,当焦点放在动作结束后仍然能持续一段时间的状态时,用tight 更为恰当。 句子她把房子的门窗紧紧地关起来 中表示准备迎接即将来到的暴风雪。 同样,我们说The windows were frozen tight 比 The windows were frozen tightly 更为自然, 因为这里的密封不大可能是窗子被冻上的结果。tight 还与几个动词结合惯用为加强语气的成分,且是唯一可能的形式: sleep tight; sit tight。 Tight  只能用于动词后:房子紧紧地 (而非 tight ) 关闭着 。




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