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单词 tip
释义 tip[tip]n. 顶, 尖端, 梢, 末端, 倾斜, 垃圾场, 小费, 轻击, 指点, 秘密消息vt. 装顶端, 使倾斜, 使翻倒, 泄露, 告诫, 暗示, 给...小费, 轻击vi. 倾斜, 翻倒, 倾覆, 踮脚走, 给小费【计】 终端接口处理器, 提示, 技巧【医】 尖, 端; 耳轮尖相关词组:miss one's tiphave sth at the tip of one's tonguehave sth on the tip of one's tonguetip overgive sb the tip to do sthgive sb the straight tip tip 1  tip 1  AHD:  [t¹p] D.J.  [t!p]K.K.  [t!p]n.(名词)1. The end of a pointed or projecting object.尖端:一个带尖或突起的物体的末端2. A piece or an attachment, such as a cap or ferrule, meant to be fitted to the end of something else:顶端附加物:一种用于装在其它物体顶端的东西或附属物,如罩或金属包头:the barbed tip of a harpoon.鱼叉有倒刺的顶端及物动词)  tipped,,tips 1. To furnish with a tip.在…装上顶端附加物2. To cover or decorate the tip of:覆盖或装饰…的顶端:tip strawberries with chocolate.在草莓上涂上巧克力3. To remove the tip of:去掉…的顶端:tip artichokes.去掉洋蓟的梗4. To dye the ends of (hair or fur) in order to blend or improve appearance.为了染黑或改善外貌把(头发或皮毛)的末端染色常用词组:tip in 【印刷术】  To attach (an insert) in a book by gluing along the binding edge:加入:用粘贴的方式在书中加(一个插页):tip in a color plate.加入一张彩页语源:Middle English 中古英语  tip 2  tip 2  AHD:  [t¹p] D.J.  [t!p]K.K.  [t!p]v.(动词)  tipped,,tips及物动词)1. To push or knock over; overturn or topple:使…翻倒:推或撞倒;翻转或倾覆:bumped the table and tipped a vase.撞倒了桌子,把花瓶给打翻了2. To move to a slanting position; tilt:使…倾斜:使移到…倾斜的位置;使倾斜:tipped the sideview mirror slightly downward; a weight that tipped the balance.把侧视镜稍向下歪了一点;使天平倾斜的重物3. To touch or raise (one's hat) in greeting.触(帽)或脱(帽)敬礼4. Chiefly British 【多用于英国】 5. To empty (something) by overturning; dump.倾倒:用倾倒的方式把(某物)倒空;倾泻6. To dump (rubbish, for example).倾泻(比如,垃圾)v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To topple over; overturn.翻倒;翻转2. To become tilted; slant.See Synonyms at slant 变倾斜;倾倒参见 slantn.(名词)1. The act of tipping.翻倒:使…翻转的动作2. A tilt or slant; an incline.倾斜:倾倒或倾斜;斜坡3. Chiefly British An area or a place for dumping something, such as rubbish or refuse, as from a mine.【多用于英国】 垃圾倾倒场:倾倒某物,比如垃圾或废料(如从一个矿井中)的地区或地方习惯用语:tip the scales  1. To register weight (at a certain amount).称量:称得重量(为某个数目)2. To offset the balance of a situation.相抵:一个局势的平衡语源:Middle English tipen 中古英语 tipen  tip 3  tip 3  AHD:  [t¹p] D.J.  [t!p]K.K.  [t!p]v.(动词)  tipped,,tips及物动词)1. To strike gently; tap.轻击:轻轻地击打;轻拍2. Baseball To hit (a pitched ball) with the side of the bat so that it glances off.【棒球】 擦棒球:用球棒的侧击(一个投出的球)而使之从棒上擦地3. Sports To tap or deflect (a ball or puck, for example), especially in scoring.【体育运动】 轻击或使(如球或冰球)改变方向,尤其是在射门时v.intr.(不及物动词)1. Sports To deflect or glance off. Used of a ball or puck.【体育运动】 使改向并擦边:使改变方向或擦边而过,用于形容球或冰球2. Lower Southern U.S. To tiptoe.【美国南端】 踮起脚n.(名词)1. A light blow; a tap.轻击;轻触2. Baseball A pitched ball that is tipped:【棒球】 擦球:一个被擦击的投球:a foul tip.擦球犯规语源:1. From Middle English tippe [a tap] 源自 中古英语 tippe [轻拍] 2. [perhaps of Low German origin] [可能起源于低地日耳曼语]  tip 4  tip 4  AHD:  [t¹p] D.J.  [t!p]K.K.  [t!p]n.(名词)1. A small sum of money given to someone for performing a service; a gratuity.小费:给一个提供一项服务的人的一小笔钱;赏钱2. A piece of confidential, advance, or inside information:内部情报:一个秘密的、事先知道的内部的消息:got a tip on the next race.搞到了关于下次赛马的内部消息3. A helpful hint:指点:有帮助的提示:a column of tips on gardening.一个提供园艺方面建议的专栏v.(动词)  tipped,,tips及物动词)1. To give a tip to:给…小费:tipped the waiter generously.慷慨地给侍者一笔小费2. To give as a tip:把…当小费给:He tipped a dollar and felt that it was enough.他给了一美元的小费,觉得这已经足够了3. To provide with a piece of confidential, advance, or inside information:向…提供内部消息:向…提供秘密的、事先获得的或内部的消息:a disgruntled gang member who tipped the police to the planned robbery.一个向警方告发的对这次计划好的抢劫有所不满的匪徒成员v.intr.(不及物动词)To give tips or a tip:给小费:给几笔或一笔小费:one who tips lavishly.一个很大方地给小费的人习惯用语:tip (one's) hand  To reveal one's resources or intentions.显露:揭示自己的财产或目的语源:[Origin unknown] [词源不明] 继承用法:tip“per  n.(名词)




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