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单词 title
释义 title['taitl]n. 头衔, 名称, 标题, 书名, 扉页, 权利, 资格, 冠军, 字幕vt. 授予头衔, 加标题于【计】 标题【经】 权利, (土地财产的)所有权, 地契相关词组:have title to sthhave title to do sth title  ti.tle  AHD:  [tºt“l] D.J.  [6ta!tl]K.K.  [6ta!t1]n.Abbr. tit.(名词)缩写 tit.1. An identifying name given to a book, play, film, musical composition, or other work.See Synonyms at name 题目:给书、戏剧、电影、音乐作品或其它作品表明身份的名字参见 name2. A general or descriptive heading, as of a book chapter.标题:一种大概的或描述性的题目,如一本书中的章节3. Often titles Written material to be read by viewers that is included in a film or television show, typically presenting credits, narration, or dialogue.常作 titles 字幕:电影或电视节目中供观众阅读的书面文字,通常写出摄制人员名单、叙述或对话4. A written piece of translated dialogue superimposed at the bottom of the frame during a film; a subtitle.字幕:电映放映时叠映在画面底部的翻译过来的对话的书面形式;字幕5. Law A heading that names a document, statute, or proceeding.【法律】 名称:命名一份文件、法令或诉讼程序的名字6. A division of a law book, declaration, or bill, generally larger than a section or article.章节:法律书籍、宣言或法案的划分单位,一般要比节或条款大7. A written work that is published or about to be published:书目:已出版或即将出版的书面作品:the titles in a press's fall catalog.出版社秋季出版计划中的书目8. Law 【法律】 9. The coincidence of all the elements that constitute the fullest legal right to control and dispose of property or a claim.所有权:构成控制或处置财产或所有权的合法权力的所有要素同时符合的条件10. The aggregate evidence that gives rise to a legal right of possession or control.所有权凭证:产生占有或控制某物的法律权力的全部证据11. The instrument, such as a deed, that constitutes this evidence.所有权文件:构成这种证据的文件,如契约12. Something that provides a basis for or justifies a claim.资格:为一个要求提供基础或证明的东西13. A legitimate or alleged right.See Synonyms at claim 权力:一种合法的或所谓的权力参见 claim14. A formal appellation attached to the name of a person or family by virtue of office, rank, hereditary privilege, noble birth, or attainment or used as a mark of respect.称号:由于官职、军衔、继承的特权、高贵的出身、成就或为了表示尊敬而与一个人或家族的名字连在一起的正式名称15. A descriptive name; an epithet.描述性的名字;别称16. Sports A championship.【体育运动】 冠军17. Ecclesiastical 【基督教会】 18. A source of income or area of work required of a candidate for ordination in the Church of England.就任圣职所具备的资格:在英国教会中主教候选人所需的收入来源或工作地区19. A Roman Catholic church in or near Rome having a cardinal for its nominal head.天主教教堂:罗马或罗马附近的罗马天主教堂,有一个红衣主教作它名义上的领导及物动词)  ti.tled,ti.tling,ti.tles 1. To give a title to; entitle.加标题:给…加标题;加标题于2. To call by a name; style.称为:用一个名字称呼;把…称为语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English titul [superscription,] 源自 古英语 titul [题字] 3. and from Old French title [title] 并源自 古法语 title [题目] 4. both from Latin titulus 都源自 拉丁语 titulus




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