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单词 together
释义 together[tə'geðə]ad. 一起, 共同, 彼此相关词组:all togethertogether with together  AHD:  [t…-gµY“…r] D.J.  [t*6geH*]K.K.  [t*6gWH+]adv.(副词)1. In or into a single group, mass, or place:在一起:一组地、一群或一个地方地,或分成一组、一群或一个地方:We gather together.我们聚在一起2. In or into contact:一起:接触或变成接触的状态:The cars crashed together. She mixed the chemicals together.汽车撞到了一起。她把那些化学药剂混合在一起3. In association with or in relationship to one another; mutually or reciprocally:相互地,彼此地:互相联系或关系;相互地或交互地:getting along together.合得来4. By joint or cooperative effort:合力地:通过共同的努力或合作:We ironed the entire load of clothes together.我们一起熨了这一堆衣服5. Regarded collectively; in total:合计地;总计地:She is worth more than all of us together. Considered together, the proposals made little sense.她的价值比我们几个加起来还要多;总的来看,这个建议没什么意义6. In or into a unified structure or arrangement:合并地:处于或进入一种统一的结构或安排:put the food processor together.把食品处理器组装起来7. Simultaneously:同时地:The bells rang out together.几个铃同时响了起来8. In harmony or accord:一致地,协调地:We stand together on this issue.我们在这个问题上站在一起9. Informal Into an effective, coherent condition:【非正式用语】 有条理地:进入一种有效率的,连贯的状态:Get yourself together.振作起来adj.Slang (形容词)【俚语】 1. Emotionally stable and effective in performance:沉稳老练的:感情稳定,行动有效率:She's really together.她这个人很沉着2. In tune with what is going on; hip.合拍时:与发生的事情合拍的;时髦的习惯用语:get it all together 或  put it all together 【俚语】  To unify and harmonize one's resources so as to perform with maximal effectiveness.集中心思:联合和协调自己的力量以最大的效率行动语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English t½gædere * see  ghedh- 源自 古英语 t½gædere *参见 ghedh- 继承用法:togeth“erness  n.(名词)用法:1. Together with,  like in addition to,  is often employed following the subject of a sentence or clause to introduce an addition.The addition, however, does not alter the number of the verb,which is governed by the subject: Togther with 象 in addition to 一样, 使用时经常跟在一个句子或从句后面以引入一个附加成份。但是这个附加成分不改变动词的单复数,动词的单复数还是由主语决定: The king (singular), &I{together with two aides, is expected in an hour.}  国王(单数) 和两个随从一小时内就到达 。 2. The same is true ofalong with, besides,  and in addition to.  See Usage Note at besides ,like 2Along with,besides 和 in addition to 也是这样  参见 besides,like2




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