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单词 toil
释义 toil[tɒil]n. 辛苦, 苦工, 网, 罗网, 圈套vi. 苦干, 跋涉【法】 劳苦, 辛苦工作, 网 toil 1  toil 1  AHD:  [toil] D.J.  [t%!l]K.K.  [t%!l]v.intr.(不及物动词)  toiled,,toils 1. To labor continuously; work strenuously.苦干:不断地劳动;辛苦地工作2. To proceed with difficulty:艰难地行走:toiling over the mountains.艰难地跋涉于山岭之间n.(名词)1. Exhausting labor or effort:辛劳:令人筋疲力尽的劳动或努力:“A bit of the blackest and coarsest bread is . . . the sole recompense and the sole profit attaching to so arduous a toil”(&b{George Sand})See Synonyms at &b{work} “一小块黑得不能再黑,粗糙得不能再粗糙的面包是…这样一种艰苦的工作的唯一的补偿和唯一的收益。”(乔治·桑)参见 work2. Archaic Strife; contention.【古语】 争斗;竞争语源:1. Middle English toilen 中古英语 toilen 2. from Anglo-Norman toiler [to stir about] 源自 英法语 toiler [搅动] 3. from Latin tudicul³re 源自 拉丁语 tudicul³re 4. from tudicula [a machine for bruising olives] [diminutive of] tud¶s [hammer] 源自 tudicula [一种把橄榄捣碎的机器]  [] tud¶s的小后缀 [锤子] 继承用法:toil“er  n.(名词) toil 2  toil 2  AHD:  [toil] D.J.  [t%!l]K.K.  [t%!l]n.(名词)1. Something that binds, snares, or entangles one; an entrapment. Often used in the plural:罗网:束缚,捕捉或缠住某物的东西;一个圈套。通常用复数形式:caught in the toils of despair.陷于绝境2. Archaic A net for trapping game.【古语】 网,陷阱:捕捉猎物的网语源:1. French toile [cloth] 法语 toile [布] 2. from Old French teile 源自 古法语 teile 3. from Latin t¶la [web] * see  teks- 源自 拉丁语 t¶la [网] *参见 teks-




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