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单词 token
释义 token['təukən]n. 表征, 记号, 代币a. 象征的, 表意的【计】 记号【经】 辅币, 代价券; 象征性的相关词组:by the same tokenby this tokenin token ofas a token of token  to.ken  AHD:  [t½“k…n] D.J.  [6t*&k*n]K.K.  [6tok*n]n.(名词)1. Something serving as an indication, a proof, or an expression of something else; a sign:标志:用于指示,证明或表示其它事物的东西;记号:“Tears are queer tokens of happiness”(&b{Eugene O'Neill})See Synonyms at &b{sign} “眼泪是快乐的一种奇怪的表示”(尤金·奥涅尔)参见 sign2. Something that signifies or evidences authority, validity, or identity:象征:显示或表明权力,有效性或身份的东西:The scepter is a token of regal status.节杖是王权的象征3. A distinguishing feature or characteristic.特征:一个与众不同的特点或性质4. One that represents a group, as an employee whose presence is used to deflect from the employer criticism or accusations of discrimination.代表:一群人的一个代表,如一个雇员的存在,被用来抵挡雇主的批评或歧视性的指责5. A keepsake or souvenir.纪念品或留念6. A piece of stamped metal used as a substitute for currency:代币,常用钢币:一种用于替代货币的印有符号的金属:subway tokens.地铁代币及物动词)  to.kened,,to.kens To betoken or symbolize; portend.预兆:预示或象征;预兆adj.(形容词)1. Done as an indication or a pledge:以作为指示或保证而做的:a token payment.象征性付款2. Perfunctory; minimal:随意的;最小的:a token gesture of reconciliation; token resistance.象征性和解姿态;象征性的抵抗3. Merely symbolic:只作为象征的:a token woman on the board of directors.董事会上作为一个摆设的女董事习惯用语:by the same token  In like manner; similarly.以相同的方式;相似地in token of  As an indication of:作为…的标志:a ring given in token of love.一只象征爱情而给的戒指语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English t³cen * see  deik- 源自 古英语 t³cen *参见 deik-




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