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单词 top
释义 top[tɒp]n. 顶部, 顶端, 极点, 上面, 上部, 顶篷, 最高地位, 首位, 陀螺a. 最高的, 顶上的, 头等的vt. 盖, 加以顶, 高达, 超越vi. 结束, 达到顶点, 高出【计】 TOP协议【化】 此端向上; 上部; 陀螺【经】 顶, 上面; 顶尖的, 最高的相关词组:from top to toefrom top to bottomin top format top speedblow one's topcome to the topin topoff one's topon topon top ofon top of the worldat the top of one's voiceget on top oftop the billtalk off the top of one's headtop offto the top of one's bentto top it allsleep like a top top 1  top 1  AHD:  [t¼p] D.J.  [tKp]K.K.  [t$p]n.(名词)1. The uppermost part, point, surface, or end.顶,顶端:最上面的部分、点、表面或尾部2. The crown of the head:冠:头上的帽子:from top to toe.从头到脚3. The part of a plant, such as a rutabaga, that is above the ground.梢:芜菁甘蓝等植物露出地面的部分4. Something, such as a lid or cap, that covers or forms an uppermost part.盖,冠:盖或形成最上面部分的东西,例如盖或帽子5. The upper half of a two-piece garment, especially a sweater or knit shirt.上衣:套装的上半部分,尤指毛衣或针织衬衫6. Nautical A platform enclosing the head of each mast of a sailing ship, to which the topmast rigging is attached.【航海】 桅楼,桅盘:帆船上包围着所有帆头的平台,顶桅索具就加结于其上7. The highest degree, pitch, or point; the peak, acme, or zenith:顶端:最高的程度,声音或据点;山顶,最高峰或顶峰:“It had come at a time when he was not feeling at the top of his form”(&b{Anthony Powell})“有时他会觉得他没处于最佳状态”(安东尼·鲍威尔)8. The highest position or rank:最高的位置或职务:at the top of her profession.在她职业的顶峰9. A person in this position.顶尖的人:这个位置的人10. Games The highest card or cards in a suit or hand.【游戏】 顶张,顶分:一组中或手上最高的一张或数张牌11. The best part.最好的部分12. The earliest part or beginning:开头:最早的部分或起始处:She played the piece again, from the top.她从头开始重新弹这一曲子13. Baseball The first half of an inning.【棒球】 上半场:每个回合的前半部分14. Sports 【体育运动】 15. A stroke that lands above the center of a ball, as in golf or tennis, giving it a forward spin.上部击球:击于球中心以上的抽球,使球向前旋转,例如在高尔夫或网球中16. A forward spin on a ball resulting from such a stroke.上旋:上部击球形成的向前向上旋转adj.(形容词)1. Situated at the top:位于顶部的:the top shelf.书架顶部2. Of the highest degree, quality, or amount:最佳的:程度最高,质量最好或数量最大的:in top form.处于最好的形态3. In a position of preeminence:杰出的:处于极突出位置的:the top historian in her department.她部门中最杰出的历史学家v.(动词)  topped,,tops及物动词)1. To form, furnish with, or serve as a top.形成顶部,装设顶部,用作顶部2. To reach the top of.到达顶部3. To go over the top of.上升到顶部;超过顶部4. To exceed or surpass.多于,超过5. To be at the head of:处于…的最前头:She topped her class.她在她们班排名第一6. To remove the top or uppermost part from; crop:剪顶,打尖:除去梢部或最上面的部分;修剪:topped the fruit trees.给果树剪顶7. Sports 【体育运动】 8. To strike the upper part of (a ball), giving it forward spin.上旋击球:击打(球的)上半部分,使其向前旋转9. To make (a stroke) in this way.上旋击球v.intr.(不及物动词)To make a finish, an end, or a conclusion.总结:结束,结尾或总结常用词组:top off  1. To fill up (a container), especially when it is almost full to begin with.填满:装满(一个容器),尤指在开始装时容器就接近于满了2. To finish up.最后完成,结束top out  1. To put the framework for the top story on (a building).封顶:为(楼房的)最上面一层筑好框架2. To fill up (a ship, for example).装货:装满(例如一艘船只)3. To cease rising:封顶:停止上升:Interest rates topped out at 16 percent.利息率最高在百分之十六封顶4. Informal To give up one's career just as one becomes highly successful.【非正式用语】 激流勇退:在获得最大的成功后就放弃自己的事业习惯用语:off the top of (one's) head【非正式用语】  In an impromptu way:不假思索地:以即兴的方式地:She recited the poem off the top of her head.她即兴背诵了诗歌on top  1. At the highest point or peak.处于最高点或山峰2. In a dominant, controlling, or successful position.显赫:处于统治、控制或成功的地位on top of【非正式用语】  1. In control of.控制2. Fully informed about:消息灵通:情报来源很多的:a senator who is always on top of the issues.一位消息总是很灵通的参议员3. In addition to; besides:附加地;另外:On top of this, several other benefits are being offered.除此以外,其它几项好处正在出现4. Following closely on; coming immediately after:紧随:紧跟其后地;紧接着就出现地:Hail came on top of a violent thunderstorm.一阵凶猛的雷雨后,紧接着下起了冰雹on top of the world【非正式用语】  In a position of great happiness or success.狂喜地:处于极度高兴或成功状态下的over the top  1. Surpassing a goal or quota.超过目标或定额的2. Over the breastwork, as an attack in trench warfare:在阵地战斗中越过了胸墙的:“a whole battalion, onto the beachhead, over the top”(&b{Margaret Atwood})“冲上滩头的全营战士已经越过了胸墙”(玛格丽特·阿特伍德)语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English 源自 古英语  top 2  top 2  AHD:  [t¼p] D.J.  [tKp]K.K.  [t$p]n.(名词)A toy having one end tapered to a point, allowing it to be spun, as by suddenly pulling a string wound around it.陀螺:一种尖顶的玩具,在突然拖动或用绳抽击的情况下能不断转动语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English 源自 古英语  top-  top-  pref.(前缀)Variant of topo- topo-的变体




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