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单词 torque
释义 torque[tɒ:k]n. 扭转力, 转矩, 项圈【化】 转矩【医】 扭力; 转矩 torque 1  torque 1  AHD:  [tôrk] D.J.  [t%8k]K.K.  [t%rk]n.(名词)1. The moment of a force; the measure of a force's tendency to produce torsion and rotation about an axis, equal to the vector product of the radius vector from the axis of rotation to the point of application of the force.转矩,力矩:一种测量产生扭转和绕轴旋转趋势的力的单位,等于从旋转轴到力作用点的旋转矢量2. A turning or twisting force.扭转力,变曲力及物动词)  torqued,,torques To impart torque to.使…旋转:附加旋转力于…语源:From Latin torqu¶re [to twist] * see  terk w- 源自 拉丁语 torqu¶re [弯曲] *参见 terk w- 继承用法:torqu“er  n.(名词)torque“y  adj.(形容词) torque 2  torque 2  AHD:  [tôrk] D.J.  [t%8k]K.K.  [t%rk]n.(名词)A collar, a necklace, or an armband made of a strip of twisted metal, worn by the ancient Gauls, Germans, and Britons.金属饰环:由一串弯曲的金属制成的项圈,项链或手环,古代高卢人,日尔曼人和不列颠人戴这种手饰语源:1. French 法语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin torqu¶s 源自 拉丁语 torqu¶s 4. from torqu¶re [to twist] * see  terk w- 源自 torqu¶re [弯曲] *参见 terk w-




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