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单词 tortoiseshell
释义 tortoiseshelln. 龟甲, 玳瑁壳, 龟板, 玳瑁色 tortoiseshell  tortoiseshell 也作 tor.toise-shell  或 tor.toise shell  AHD:  [tôr“t¹s-shµl”] D.J.  [6t%8t!s7.el]K.K.  [6t%rt!s7.Wl]n.(名词)1. The mottled, horny, translucent, brownish covering of the carapace of certain tortoises or turtles, especially the hawksbill, used to make combs, jewelry, and other articles.龟甲,玳瑁:某些乌龟或甲鱼肉体上覆盖着的有花纹,角质、透明的,褐色的甲壳特别是玳瑁龟的甲壳,通常用来制作梳子,珠宝和其它工艺品2. A synthetic imitation of natural tortoiseshell.仿玳瑁:模仿自然玳瑁的人工仿造品3. See  hawksbill 参见  hawksbill4. A domestic cat having fur with brown, black, and yellowish markings.花斑家猫:一种皮毛上带有褐色,黑色或黄色斑点的家猫5. Any of several butterflies, chiefly of the genusNymphalis,  having wings with orange, black, and brown markings. 蛱蝶:一种蝴蝶,主要是蛱蝶属 ,翅膀上有桔黄色,黑色和褐色斑点 继承用法:tor“toiseshell”  adj.(形容词)




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