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单词 touch
释义 touch[tʌtʃ]n. 触觉, 碰, 触, 机灵, 轻触, 格调, 少许, 缺点, 弹力vt. 接触, 触摸, 触及, 使接触, 达到, 涉及, 影响到, 使轻度受害, 感动vi. 触摸, 接近, 涉及, 提到【化】 触; 触动【医】 触, 接触; 触觉; 触诊, 指诊【经】 达到相关词组:touch one's hat to sbtouch glassestouch sb to the hearttouch sb hometouch sb to the quickkeep in touch with sblose touch with sbbe out of touch with sbget in touch witha near touchat a touchgive sb a touch of the rope's endput sth to the touchbring sth to the touchtouch attouch ontouch downtouch off sthtouch sth upwithin touchhave a touch of touch  touch  AHD:  [t¾ch] D.J.  [tJt.]K.K.  [tJt.]v.(动词)  touched,,及物动词)1. To cause or permit a part of the body, especially the hand or fingers, to come in contact with so as to feel:触摸:导致或允许身体的一部分,尤指手或手指与…相接触以感觉:reached out and touched the smooth stone.伸出手触摸光滑的石头2. To bring something into light contact with:使某物与…轻轻接触:touched the sore spot with a probe.用探针轻触痛点3. To bring (one thing) into light contact with something else:使(一物体)与其它某物轻轻接触:grounded the radio by touching a wire to it; touching fire to a fuse.用导线轻触收音机使它接地;点燃引信4. To press or push lightly; tap:轻击,轻推:轻微地挤压或推;轻敲:touched a control to improve the TV picture; touched 19 on the phone to get room service.轻轻按动控制器以提高电视画面质量;轻按电话机上的号码19以接通房间的电话线路5. To lay hands on in violence:出手打人:用暴力对…行凶:I never touched him!我从来就没动过他!6. To eat or drink; taste:吃或喝;尝:She didn't touch her food.她没有吃东西7. To disturb or move by handling:扰乱,移动:通过接触扰乱或移动:Just don't touch anything in my room!就是不要动我房间中的任何东西!8. To meet without going beyond; adjoin:相接:接触但没有越过;毗邻:the ridge where his property touches mine.他的地产与我的相接处的脊线9. Mathematics To be tangent to.【数学】 与…相切10. To come up to; reach:接近;达到:when the thermometer touches 90&9{=}.当温度计达到九十度的时候11. To match in quality; equal:匹敌,比得上:在性质上与…相匹敌;与…相等:Rival artists can't touch her work at its best.与她竞争的艺术家无法同她最佳的作品匹敌12. To deal with, especially in passing; treat briefly or allusively:涉及,处理:尤指顺带地处理;简略或间接提及地对待:some remarks touching recent events.一些言论涉及到近期的事件13. To be pertinent to; concern:属于;有关:environmental problems that touch us all.与我们所有人都有关的环境问题14. To affect the emotions of; move to tender response:影响…的情绪,感动:影响…的情感;使…产生亲切的反应:an appeal that touched us deeply.深深打动我们的呼吁15. To injure slightly:轻微地伤害:plants touched by frost.遭受霜害的植物16. To color slightly; tinge:轻轻地给…着色;给…染色:a white petal touched with pink.带有一丝粉色的白色花瓣17. To draw with light strokes.用轻轻的笔触画出18. To change or improve by adding fine lines or strokes.稍加修改:通过添加细小的线条或笔触的改变或改进19. To stamp (tested metal).打印记:给(检测过的金属)盖戳20. Slang To wheedle a loan or handout from:【俚语】 以甜言蜜语…骗取贷款,向…商借:touched a friend for five dollars.向朋友借了五美元21. Archaic To strike or pluck the keys or strings of (a musical instrument).【古语】 弹拔:敲击或弹(一乐器的)键盘或琴弦22. To play (a musical piece).表演(一段音乐作品)v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To touch someone or something.接触:触摸某人或某物2. To be or come into contact:联系,接触:接触或开始接触:Don't let the live wires touch.不要碰到火线n.(名词)1. The act or an instance of touching.触摸:触摸的行为或例子2. The physiological sense by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body.触觉:通过与身体的接触而感受到外部物体或力量的生理感观3. A sensation experienced in touching something with a characteristic texture:触感:触摸一具有独特质地的某物时所体验到的感觉:felt the touch of snowflakes on her face.感受到雪花飘落在她面庞上的感觉4. A light push; a tap:轻推;轻拍:an electric switch that requires just a touch.只需要轻轻一按的电子开发5. A discernible mark or effect left by contact with something.痕迹:与某物接触后留下的可辨认的标记或效果6. A small change or addition, or the effect achieved by it:修饰,润色:小的改动或添加,或由此得到的效果:Candlelight provided just the right touch.烛光只能提供稍微的改变7. A suggestion, hint, or tinge:提示,暗示或微染:a touch of jealousy.微带妒意8. A mild attack:轻微的侵害:a touch of the flu.轻度流感9. A small amount; a dash:少量;少许:a touch of paprika.少量辣椒粉10. A manner or technique of striking the keys of a keyboard instrument:方法,技巧:敲击键盘工具的键的方式或技巧:He types quickly, using a light touch.他用轻快的指法飞速打字11. The resistance to pressure characteristic of the keys of a keyboard:抗拒力:键盘的键所持有的对压力的抵抗力:an old piano with uneven touch.音键阻力高低不同的旧钢琴12. A characteristic way of doing things:特殊方法:做事情的一种独特方式:recognized my friend's touch in the choice of the card.从挑选贺卡中看出我朋友独具的行事方法13. A facility; a knack:灵巧;窍门:lose one's touch.丧失了某人的技巧14. The state of being in contact or communication:联系,接触:在接触或联系中的状态:kept in touch with several classmates; out of touch with current trends.和几位同学保持联系;对现代潮流不闻不问15. An official stamp indicating the quality of a metal product.印记:表明金属产品质量的官方印戳16. Slang 【俚语】 17. The act of approaching someone for a loan or handout.向某人借款,要求施舍:接近某人以获得贷款或施舍的行为18. A prospect for a loan or handout:借贷的对象:易于借贷或施舍的人:a generous person, a soft touch for beggars.一个慷慨的人,是对乞丐怜悯的施舍者19. Sports The area just outside the sidelines in Rugby and soccer.【体育运动】 橄榄球及足球场地边界外的区域常用词组:touch down  To make contact with the ground; land:触地,登陆:使…与地面相接触,着陆:The spacecraft touched down on schedule.太空飞船按计划着陆了touch off  1. To cause to explode; fire.使爆炸;开火2. To initiate; trigger:开始;引发:disclosures that touched off a public uproar.引起公众一片哗然的披露3. To describe or portray with deft precision.活灵活现地描述:用精确的笔法灵活地描写或描绘touch on  或  touch upon  1. To deal with (a topic) in passing.顺便处理(一话题)2. To pertain to; concern.属于;涉及3. To approach being; verge on:接近;濒临:frenzy that touched on clinical insanity.接近临床上精神错乱的狂热touch up  To improve by making minor corrections, changes, or additions.改善:通过做细小的更正、改动或添加以改进习惯用语:touch base 或  touch bases 【非正式用语】  To renew a line of communication:重新开通一联系线路:“He went out of his way to touch base with a broad cross section of . . . residents”(&b{George B. Merry})“他不厌其烦地和一大群具有代表性的各色居民交往”(乔治B.梅里)语源:1. Middle English touchen 中古英语 touchen 2. from Old French touchier 源自 古法语 touchier 3. [perhaps of imitative origin] [可能源于拟声词] 继承用法:touch“able  adj.(形容词)touch“ableness  n.(名词)touch“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. touch,feel,finger,handle,palpate,paw2. The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to bring the hands or fingers into contact with so as to give or receive a physical sensation”: 这些动词共有的中心意思是“使手或手指与…接触从而得到一种生理感觉”: fans pawing a celebrity's arm. See also Synonyms at  &b{affect} &+{1}拼命抓住名人手臂的狂热者 参见同义词 affect1




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