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单词 barnacle
释义 barnacle['bɑ:nəkl]n. 北极雁, 藤壶 barnacle  AHD:  [bär“n…-k…l] D.J.  [6b$8n*k*l]K.K.  [6b$rn*k*l]n.(名词)1. Any of various marine crustaceans of the subclass Cirripedia that in the adult stage form a hard shell and remain attached to submerged surfaces, such as rocks and ships' bottoms.藤壶:一种蔓足亚纲的海洋甲壳类动物,成年期形成硬壳且固着在没入水的表层,如岩石和船底2. The barnacle goose.黑雁,北极雁语源:1. Middle English [barnacle goose] 中古英语 [黑雁] 2. from Old French bernacle 源自 古法语 bernacle 3. from Medieval Latin bernacula 源自 中世纪拉丁语 bernacula 4. [diminutive of] bernaca [] bernaca的小后缀 5. perhaps from Old Irish báirneach [limpet] 可能源自 古爱尔兰语 báirneach [帽贝] 继承用法:bar“nacled  adj.(形容词)




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