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单词 trace
释义 trace[treis]n. 痕迹, 踪迹, 微量, 迹线, 缰绳vt. 追踪, 回溯, 描绘vi. 追溯, 沿路走【化】 迹【医】 痕迹; 微量, 痕量【经】 溯查, 追踪, 追溯 trace 1  trace 1  AHD:  [tr³s] D.J.  [tre!s]K.K.  [tres]n.(名词)1. A visible mark, such as a footprint, made or left by the passage of a person, an animal, or a thing.痕迹:因人、动物或物体通过造成或留下的一可见记号,如脚印2. Evidence or an indication of the former presence or existence of something; a vestige.遗迹:表示某物以前出现过或存在的证据或指示;痕迹3. A barely perceivable indication; a touch:丝、毫:一种几乎不能感觉到的象征;一丝:spoke with a trace of sarcasm.带着一丝嘲讽地说4. An extremely small amount.极少量:非常小的数量5. A constituent, such as a chemical compound or element, present in quantities less than a standard limit.痕量:比标准限度数量小的一种组成物,如化学化合物或元素6. A path or trail that has been beaten out by the passage of animals or people.小路:由动物或人通过而踩出来的一条道路或小径7. A way or route followed.路线:跟随的道路或路线8. A line drawn by a recording instrument, such as a cardiograph.描记线:由一记录仪器,如心电图仪所画的线9. Mathematics 【数学】 10. The point at which a line, or the curve in which a surface, intersects a coordinate plane.交点,交线:线与坐标平面相交的点或一表面与坐标平面相交的曲线11. The sum of the elements of the principal diagonal of a matrix.一矩阵中主对角线元素之和12. An engram.印迹v.(动词)  traced,,及物动词)1. To follow the course or trail of:跟踪:跟随…的道路或足迹:trace a wounded deer; tracing missing persons.跟踪一头受伤的鹿;追寻失踪者2. To ascertain the successive stages in the development or progress of:追溯,探索:确定在…的发展或进程中的各个连续阶段:tracing the life cycle of an insect; trace the history of a family.探索一昆虫的生命周期;追溯一家族的历史3. To locate or discover by searching or researching evidence:查出:通过寻找或研究证据确定或发现:trace the cause of a disease.查出一疾病的原因4. To draw (a line or figure); sketch; delineate.描画:画(一线条或图形);草绘;描绘5. To form (letters) with special concentration or care.精心塑造:特别专心或小心地构想(文字)6. To copy by following lines seen through a sheet of transparent paper.描摹:通过描绘透过透明纸张的线条进行复制7. To imprint (a design) by pressure with an instrument on a superimposed pattern.压印:通过一仪器用压力将(一图案)印在覆盖在上面的模子上8. To make a design or series of markings on (a surface) by such pressure on a pattern.印:通过在一模子上这样施压在(一平面上)制造一图案或一系列标记9. To record (a variable), as on a graph.描记:记录(一变量),如在图表上v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To make one's way along a trail or course:沿着一小径或道路前进:traced through the files.顺着小径穿过田野2. To have origins; be traceable:有起源;可以追溯的:linguistic features that trace to West Africa.可追溯到西非的语言特征语源:1. Middle English [track] 中古英语 [痕迹] 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from tracier [to make one's way] 源自 tracier [前进] 4. from Vulgar Latin *tr³cti³re 源自 俗拉丁语 *tr³cti³re 5. from Latin tr³ctus [a dragging, course] [from past participle of] trahere [to draw] 源自 拉丁语 tr³ctus [拉一把,道路]  [] 源自trahere的过去分词 [拉] 继承用法:trace”abil“ity  或  n.(名词)trace“ableness  trace“able  adj.(形容词)trace“ably  adv.(副词)参考词汇:1. trace,vestige,track,trail2. These nouns denote a visible sign or perceptible indication of the passage or former presence of something.这些名词都意指一可见的标记或可觉察到的某物先前通过或存在的指示物。3. Trace   applies to both physical and immaterial evidence: Trace  可同时用于指物质的及非物质的迹象: Despite his excellent English,he still retains the faint trace of a French accent.他的英语尽管十分出色,但仍带有淡淡一丝法国口音。4. Vestige   refers to a surviving remnant of what once existed or is past: Vestige  用来指保存下来的曾经存在或现已消亡事物的残余: “vestiges of a very universal custom”  (Henry Hallam).“一个非常普遍的风俗的遗迹”  (亨利·哈勒姆)。5. Track   usually denotes a mark or succession of marks, as footprints, left by something that has passed: Track  通常指由通过的某物留下的一个记号或一系列记号,如足迹: Archaeologists excavated fossilized dinosaur tracks from the riverbed.考古学家从河床中挖掘出恐龙的足迹化石。6. Trail   can refer to the tracks of a person or an animal,especially one being hunted: Trail  可用来指一个人或动物的痕迹,尤指被追猎的: “We came across the recent trails of but two of the animals we were after”  (Theodore Roosevelt).“我们遇到了在追寻中的两只动物的最新踪迹”  (西奥多·罗斯福) trace 2  trace 2  AHD:  [tr³s] D.J.  [tre!s]K.K.  [tres]n.(名词)1. One of two side straps or chains connecting a harnessed draft animal to a vehicle or whiffletree.挽绳:将套以挽具的牵引动物与一车辆或横杠连接起来的两条边带或链子中的一根2. A bar or rod, hinged at either end to another part, that transfers movement from one part of a machine to another.连动杆:用铰链连接在另一部件任意一端的一横条或杆,可将运动从机器的一部分传送到另一部分语源:1. Middle English trais 中古英语 trais 2. from Old French [pl. of] trait [a hauling, harness strap] 源自 古法语  [] trait的复数 [拉,挽具皮带] 3. from Latin tr³ctus [a hauling] [from past participle of] trahere [to haul] 源自 拉丁语 tr³ctus [拉]  [] 源自trahere的过去分词 [拉]




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