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单词 baron
释义 baron['bærən]n. 男爵【法】 男爵, 贵族, 大王 baron  bar.on  AHD:  [b²r“…n] D.J.  [6b#r*n]K.K.  [6b#r*n]n.(名词)1. A British nobleman of the lowest rank.男爵:不列颠贵族最低级的成员2. A nobleman of continental Europe, ranked differently in various countries.男爵:欧洲大陆的贵族,等级因国家而不同3. A Japanese nobleman of the lowest rank.男爵:日本贵族最低级的成员4. Also Baron Abbr. Bn.,bn.Used as the title for such a nobleman.也作 Baron 缩写 Bn.,bn.男爵头衔:用作这样的贵族的头衔5. A feudal tenant holding his rights and title directly from a king or another feudal superior.贵族:封建土地所有者,其权力和头衔由国王或其他高层的封建权威者直接授予6. A lord or nobleman; a peer.地主或贵族;贵族7. One having great wealth, power, and influence in a specified sphere of activity:巨头,大王;大亨:在一个特定活动领域内有很多财富、权力和影响的人:an oil baron.一个石油大王8. A cut of beef consisting of a double sirloin.紧腰肉:连带两侧腰肉的牛肉方语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. [probably of Germanic origin] [可能源自日耳曼语]




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