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单词 baroque
释义 baroque[bə'rɒk]n. 巴罗克风格, 巴罗克式a. 巴罗克式的, 绮靡的, 以俗艳标新立异的 baroque  ba.roque  AHD:  [b…-r½k“] D.J.  [b*6r*&k]K.K.  [b*6rok]adj.(形容词)1. also Baroque Of, relating to, or characteristic of a style in art and architecture developed in Europe from about 1550 to 1700, emphasizing dramatic, often strained effect and typified by bold, curving forms, elaborate ornamentation, and overall balance of disparate parts.也作 Baroque 巴洛克风格的:约1550到1700年间盛行于欧洲的一种艺术和建筑风格,属于、关于或有这种风格的特点的。这种风格强调戏剧效果,特征是有大胆的曲线结构、复杂的装饰和完全不同部分之间的整体协调2. Also Baroque Music Of, relating to, or characteristic of a style of composition that flourished in Europe from about 1600 to 1750, marked by chromaticism, strict forms, and elaborate ornamentation.也作 Baroque 【音乐】 巴洛克音乐风格的:属于、关于或有这种作曲风格之特点的,从1600至1750年此风格盛行于欧洲,其特征为半音阶的使用、严格的形式和复杂的装饰3. Marked by rich and sometimes bizarre or incongruous ornamentation.See Synonyms at ornate 标新立异的:有丰富且有时离奇或不一致的装饰的参见 ornate4. Irregular in shape:形状不规则的:baroque pearls.形状不规则的珍珠n.Also (名词) 也作 The baroque style or period in art, architecture, or music.巴洛克式:艺术、建筑或音乐的巴洛克风格或时期语源:1. French 法语 2. from Italian barocco 源自 意大利语 barocco 3. and from Portuguese barroco 并源自 葡萄牙语 barroco 继承用法:baroque“ly  adv.(副词)




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