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单词 train
释义 train[trein]n. 火车, 列车, 行列, 长队, 一连串的后果, 顺序vt. 训练, 教育, 对准vi. 受训练, 锻炼【医】 训练, 锻炼; 列车; 连串相关词组:put things in trainby traintrain downtrain finetrain ittrain offtrain ontrain with train  train  AHD:  [tr³n] D.J.  [tre!n]K.K.  [tren]n.(名词)1. Abbr. tn.A series of connected railroad cars pulled or pushed by one or more locomotives.缩写 tn.列车:由一个或多个火车机车头牵引或推的一系列连接起来的铁路车厢2. A long line of moving people, animals, or vehicles.列,队:一长列移动的人,动物或车辆3. The personnel, vehicles, and equipment following and providing supplies and services to a combat unit.辎重队:从事或提供给养和服务给一战斗单位的人员、车辆和设备4. A part of a gown that trails behind the wearer.裙裾:拖在穿戴者后面的睡衣的一部分5. A staff of people following in attendance; a retinue.随行人员:随行跟从的全体人员;随员6. An orderly succession of related events or thoughts; a sequence.See Synonyms at series 一连串:有联系的事件或思想的有序连续;一系列参见 series7. A series of consequences wrought by an event; aftermath.后果:由一事件造成的一系列结果;后果8. A set of linked mechanical parts:系:一套连接的机械部件:a train of gears.轮系9. A string of gunpowder that acts as a fuse for exploding a charge.导火线:一段黑色火药线,用作引爆炸药的引信v.(动词)  trained,,trains及物动词)1. To coach in or accustom to a mode of behavior or performance.训练:教导或使习惯一种行为或表现方式2. To make proficient with specialized instruction and practice.See Synonyms at teach 培训:通过特殊指导及实践精通参见 teach3. To prepare physically, as with a regimen:锻炼,训练:使身体上作为准备,如通过按摩:train athletes for track-and-field competition.为田径比赛训练运动员4. To cause (a plant or one's hair) to take a desired course or shape, as by manipulating.整形:使(一植物或某人头发)向希望的方向生长或成为所希望的形状,如通过巧妙处理5. To focus on or aim at (a goal, mark, or target); direct.See Synonyms at aim 集中于:关注或瞄准(一目的、记号或标靶);指向参见 aim6. To let drag behind; trail.拖,拉:让拖在后面;拖拽v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To give or undergo a course of training:训练:给或经受一培训课程:trained daily for the marathon.每天训练跑马拉松2. To travel by railroad train.经铁路列车旅行语源:1. Middle English [trailing part of a gown] 中古英语 [睡衣的下垂部分] 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from trainer [to drag] 源自 trainer [拉拽] 4. from Vulgar Latin *trag&9{ºn³re} 源自 俗拉丁语 *trag&9{ºn³re} 5. from *tragere [to pull] 源自 *tragere [拉] 6. back-formation from tr³ctus 源自 tr³ctus的逆构词 7. past participle of Latin trahere 拉丁语 trahere的过去分词 继承用法:train”abil“ity  n.(名词)train“able  adj.(形容词)




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