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单词 tramontane
释义 tramontanea. 在山那边的, 来自山那边的, (喻)外国的, 野蛮的n. 外国人, 来自异邦的人, 野蛮人 tramontane  tra.mon.tane  AHD:  [tr…-m¼n“t³n”, tr²m“…n-t³n”] D.J.  [tr*6mKn7te!n, 6tr#m*n7te!n]K.K.  [tr*6m$n7ten, 6tr#m*n7ten]adj.(形容词)1. Dwelling beyond or coming from the far side of the mountains, especially the Alps as viewed from Italy.山那边的:住在或来自山区的远端那边的,尤指从意大利那边而言的阿尔卑斯山脉2. From another country; foreign.外国的:来自另一个国家的;外国的n.(名词)1. A person who lives beyond the mountains.山外人:住在山区外边的人2. A foreigner; a stranger.外国人;陌生人3. A cold north wind in Italy.意大利寒冷的北风语源:1. Italian tramontano 意大利语 tramontano 2. from Latin tr³nsmont³nus 源自 拉丁语 tr³nsmont³nus 3. tr³ns- [trans-] tr³ns- [跨越] 4. mont³nus [of a mountain] * see  mountain mont³nus [山的] *参见 mountain




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