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单词 transplant
释义 transplant[træns'plɑ:nt]vt. 使移居, 移植, 使迁移vi. 移居, 耐移植n. 移居者, 移植【医】 移植; 移植物, 移植片 transplant  trans.plant  AHD:  [tr²ns-pl²nt“] D.J.  [tr#ns6pl#nt]K.K.  [tr#ns6pl#nt]AHD:  [tr²ns“pl²nt”] v.(动词)  trans.plant.ed,,trans.plants及物动词)1. To uproot and replant (a growing plant).移植:挖起后重新种植(生长中的植物)2. To transfer from one place or residence to another; resettle or relocate.迁移:从一个地方或住所移到另一个地方或住所;重新安居或安置3. Medicine To transfer (tissue or an organ) from one body or body part to another.【医学】 移植:将(组织或器官)从一身体或身体部位移到另一个身体或身体部位v.intr.(不及物动词)To be capable of undergoing transplantation.耐移植:能够经受移植n.(名词)1. The act or process of transplanting.移植:移植的动作或过程2. Something transplanted.被移植的事物3. Medicine An operation in which tissue or an organ is transplanted:【医学】 移植术:一种组织或器官被移植的手术:undergo a heart transplant; surgical transplant of a cornea.做心脏移植手术;眼角膜的外科移植语源:1. Middle English transplaunten 中古英语 transplaunten 2. from Old French transplanter 源自 古法语 transplanter 3. from Late Latin tr³nsplant³re 源自 后期拉丁语 tr³nsplant³re 4. Latin tr³ns [trans-] 拉丁语 tr³ns [前缀,表“转换”] 5. Latin plant³re [to plant] * see  plat- 拉丁语 plant³re [种植] *参见 plat- 继承用法:transplant“able  adj.(形容词)trans”planta“tion  n.(名词)transplant“er  n.(名词)




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