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单词 transport
释义 transport[træns'pɒ:t]n. 运输, 运输工具, 激动, 狂喜, 流放犯vt. 传送, 运输, 流放【计】 传送【化】 运输船; 运输机【医】 转移(化学); 迁徙; 运输, 转输【经】 运输, 转运相关词组:in a transport of rage transport  trans.port  AHD:  [tr²ns-pôrt“, -p½rt“] D.J.  [tr#ns6p%8t, -6p*&rt]K.K.  [tr#ns6p%rt, -6port]AHD:  [tr²ns“pôrt”, -p½rt”]及物动词)  trans.port.ed,,trans.ports 1. To carry from one place to another; convey.See Synonyms at convey 运输:从一个地方运到另一个地方;传送参见 convey2. To move to strong emotion; carry away; enrapture.See Synonyms at enrapture 欣喜若狂:使…引起强烈感情的;使…激动得失去自制力;使欣喜若狂参见 enrapture3. To send abroad to a penal colony; deport.See Synonyms at banish 流放:把…送到海外的行刑地;流放参见 banishn.(名词)1. The act of transporting; conveyance.运输:运输的动作;运输2. The condition of being transported by emotion; rapture.See Synonyms at ecstasy 狂喜:被激情所控制而无法表达的状态;狂喜参见 ecstasy3. A ship or an aircraft used to transport troops or military equipment.运输船(机):一种用于运输军队或军事装备的船只或飞机4. A vehicle, such as an aircraft, used to transport passengers, mail, or freight.一种用来运载乘客、邮件或货物的工具,如飞行器,5. A system for transporting passengers:运输系统:运送乘客的系统:public transport.公共交通系统6. A deported convict.流放犯:被流放的犯人语源:1. Middle English transporten 中古英语 transporten 2. from Old French transporter 源自 古法语 transporter 3. from Latin tr³nsport³re 源自 拉丁语 tr³nsport³re 4. tr³ns- [trans-] tr³ns- [前缀,表“运送”] 5. port³re [to carry] * see  per- 2port³re [带走] *参见 per- 2继承用法:transport”abil“ity  n.(名词)transport“able  adj.(形容词)transport“er  n.(名词)transpor“tive  adj.(形容词)




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