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单词 travel
释义 travel['trævl]n. 旅行, 游历, 行进vi. 旅行, 行进, 移动, 被传播vt. 旅行, 通过, 使移动【机】 移动, 行程相关词组:travel alongtravel out of the record travel  trav.el  AHD:  [tr²v“…l] D.J.  [6tr#v*l]K.K.  [6tr#v*l]v.(动词)  trav.eled 或 trav.elled 或 trav.el.ling trav.els 或 trav.els  v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To go from one place to another, as on a trip; journey.旅行:从一个地方去往另一个地方,如在旅行中;旅行2. To go from place to place as a salesperson or an agent.旅行推销:作为推销员或代理商在各个地方旅行3. To be transmitted, as light or sound; move or pass.传送:被传送,如光或声音;移动或通过4. To advance or proceed.前进,行进5. To go about in the company of a particular group; associate:来去:在一个特定的群体中交往;联系:travels in wealthy circles.与富裕阶级来往6. To move along a course, as in a沿着一条路线移动,如在沟槽中7. To admit of being transported without loss of quality:运送:可以不损害其质量的运送:Some wines travel poorly.有些酒经不起运输的颠簸8. Informal To move swiftly.【非正式用语】 快速移动9. Basketball To walk or run illegally while holding the ball.【篮球】 走步:持球时不合规则地走动或跑动及物动词)To pass or journey over or through; traverse:通过,游历:通过或旅行通过;通过:travel the roads of Europe.周游欧洲n.(名词)1. The act or process of traveling; movement or passage from one place to another.旅行:旅行的动作或过程;从一个地方到另一个地方的运动或路程2. travels travels 3. A series of journeys.旅程:一系列的旅程4. An account of one's journeys.游记:对某人游历的记述5. Activity or traffic along a route or through a given point.游行:沿某一条路或通过一点的运动或通行语源:1. Middle English travelen 中古英语 travelen 2. alteration of travailen [to toil] travailen的变化 [辛劳] 3. from Old French travailler * see  travail 源自 古法语 travailler *参见 travail




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