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单词 traverse
释义 traverse['trævə:s]n. 越过, 横贯, 横断物, 屏障, 否认, 反驳vt. 横过, 穿过, 经过, 详细研究, 反对, 在...来回移动vi. 横越, 横断, 旋转, 来回移动a. 横亘的, 横贯的【机】 横向, 横动, 横行 traverse  tra.verse  AHD:  [tr…-vûrs“, tr²v“…rs] D.J.  [tr*6vT8s, 6tr#v*s]K.K.  [tr*6vPs, 6tr#v*s]AHD:  [tr²v“…rs, tr…-vûrs“] AHD:  [tr²v“…rs, tr…-vûrs“] v.(动词)  tra.versed,,及物动词)1. To travel or pass across, over, or through.跋涉:通过、越过或穿过2. To move to and fro over; cross and recross.来来去去:在…上来回移动;来回穿行3. Sports To go up, down, or across (a slope) diagonally, as in skiing.【体育运动】 滑上滑下:斜向对角地登上、走下或穿过(一个山坡),如在滑雪中4. To cause to move laterally on a pivot; swivel:使旋转:使…在一个枢轴上向侧面移动;使旋转:traverse an artillery piece.转动炮口5. To extend across; cross:横越;横跨:a bridge that traverses a river.一座横跨河流的桥6. To look over carefully; examine.检查:仔细地检查;观察7. To go counter to; thwart.反对;阻挠8. Law 【法律】 9. To deny formally (an allegation of fact by the opposing party) in a suit.See Synonyms at deny 否认:在诉讼中正式否认(对方提出的指控事实)参见 deny10. To join issue upon (an indictment).争论:(就一项指控)进行辩论11. To survey by traverse.观察:通过横向移动观察12. Nautical To brace (a yard) fore and aft.【航海】 使船转向:向首尾拉紧(横桅杆)v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To move to the side or back and向侧面移动或前后移动2. To turn laterally; swivel.横向旋转;旋转3. Sports 【体育运动】 4. To go up, down, or across a slope diagonally or in a zigzag manner, as in skiing.Z形移动:斜向或按Z字形攀登、爬下或横穿一个山坡,如在滑雪中5. To slide one's blade with pressure toward the hilt of the opponent's foil in fencing.横挡:在击剑中把自己的剑用力压向对方的剑柄n.(名词) 1. A passing across, over, or through.越过:通过、越过或穿过2. A route or path across or over.横向路:横越或横跨的路线或道路3. Something that lies across, especially:横断物:横向放置的东西,尤指:4. An intersecting line; a transversal.截线;横截线5. Architecture A structural crosspiece; a transom.【建筑学】 横梁:结构物中的横档;横栏6. A gallery, deck, or loft crossing from one side of a building to the other.通道:从建筑物的一端通到另一端的走廊、平台或阁楼7. A railing, curtain, screen, or similar barrier.障碍物:栏杆、窗帘、屏幕或类似阻拦物8. A defensive barrier across a rampart or trench, as a bank of earth thrown up to protect against enfilade fire.横墙:城墙或壕沟的防御性阻挡物,如用于抵挡敌人纵向射击的用挖出的土构筑的土堆9. Something that obstructs and thwarts; an obstacle.阻碍:阻挡或阻挠的事物;障碍物10. Nautical The zigzag route of a vessel forced by contrary winds to sail on different courses.【航海】 Z字形航路:由于逆风被迫沿一条不同的路线航行的船只的Z字形路线11. Sports A zigzag or diagonal course on a steep slope, as in skiing.【体育运动】 Z字形道:在一个陡峭的斜坡上的Z字形或斜向路线,如在滑雪中12. A lateral movement, as of a lathe tool across a piece of wood.横动:横向运动,如车床切割工具穿过一块木头13. A part of a mechanism that moves in this manner.横移物:以这种方式移动的一个机械零件14. The lateral swivel of a mounted gun.横动:架起枪炮的横向转动15. A line established by sighting in surveying a tract of land.横断线:在测量一块土地时通过目视确定的线16. Law A formal denial of the opposing party's allegation of fact in a suit.【法律】 反驳:在诉讼中对提出的指控事实提出正式的否认adj.(形容词) Lying or extending across; transverse.横断的:横向扩展的或延伸的;横向的语源:1. Middle English traversen 中古英语 traversen 2. from Old French traverser 源自 古法语 traverser 3. from Vulgar Latin *tr³vers³re 源自 俗拉丁语 *tr³vers³re 4. from Late Latin tr³nsvers³re 源自 后期拉丁语 tr³nsvers³re 5. from Latin tr³nsversus [transverse] * see  transverse 源自 拉丁语 tr³nsversus [穿越] *参见 transverse继承用法:travers“able  adj.(形容词)travers“al  n.(名词)travers“er  n.(名词)




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