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单词 tread
释义 tread[tred]n. 踏, 步态, 梯级, 交尾, 鞋底vi. 踏, 行走, 交尾vt. 踩, 踏, 践踏, 跳(舞)【医】 践伤(马蹄)相关词组:to tread on airwith a heavy treadtread awrytread downtread intread lightlytread on airtread on sb's toestread on the heels oftread on the neck oftread outtread the boards tread  tread  AHD:  [trµd] D.J.  [tred]K.K.  [trWd]v.(动词)  trod[tr¼d] trod.den[tr¼d“n]  或 trod,treads及物动词)1. To walk on, over, or along.走:在…上走,走过…或沿…走2. To press beneath the feet; trample.踩:把…压在脚底;践踏3. To subdue harshly or cruelly; crush.镇压:严厉或残酷地压制;挤压4. To form by walking or trampling:踏:用走或踩的方式形成:tread a path.踩出一条路5. To execute by walking or dancing:跳:通过走或舞蹈的方式完成:tread a measure.跳了一个舞步6. To copulate with. Used of a male bird.交配:与…交配。用于描述雄鸟v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To go on foot; walk.步行;走2. To set down the foot; step.踏:放下脚步;踏步3. To press, crush, or injure something by or as if by trampling. Often used withon  or upon : 践踏:通过践踏或好象通过践踏一样压制、镇压或伤害某物。常与on 或 upon 连用: trod on her feelings.伤害她的感情4. To copulate. Used of birds.交配:交配。用于形容鸟类n.(名词)1. The act, manner, or sound of treading.踩:踩的动作、方式或声音2. An instance of treading; a step.踩:踩的实例;一步3. The upper horizontal part of a step in a staircase.踏步板:楼梯中一个台阶上的水平的上部4. The part of a wheel or tire that makes contact with the road or rails.踏面:车轮或轮胎与路面或轨道接触的部分5. The grooved face of a tire.胎面花纹:车胎的有沟槽的表面6. The part of a shoe sole that touches the ground.鞋底:鞋底接触地面的部分习惯用语:tread the boards  To act on the stage:表演:在舞台上表演:“We who tread the boards are not the only players of parts in this world”(&b{John Fowles})“我们这些在台上表演的人并不是这个世界上唯一扮演角色的人”(约翰·福尔斯)tread water  1. To keep the head above water while in an upright position by pumping the legs.踩水:身体直立时通过蹬脚使头部露在水面以上2. To expend effort but make little or no progress to achievement of a goal or an end.白费力气:花了很多力气,但是对达到一个目标或目的起的作用很小语源:1. Middle English treden 中古英语 treden 2. from Old English tredan 源自 古英语 tredan 继承用法:tread“less  adj.(形容词)




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