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单词 trellis
释义 trellisn. 格构, 格子结构, 棚, 架, 棚架式拱道, 格子遮板, 格构遮板, 格构凉亭, 格构拱道vt. 为...建棚架【计】 框架, 格式结构 trellis  trel.lis  AHD:  [trµl“¹s] D.J.  [6trel!s]K.K.  [6trWl!s]n.(名词)1. A structure of open latticework, especially one used as a support for vines and other creeping plants.格子结构:一种露天的格子结构,尤指用来作支撑葡萄或其它植物用的格子结构2. An arbor or arch made of latticework.格子架:用格子结构组成的凉亭或拱廊及物动词)  trel.lised,, 1. To provide with a trellis, especially to train (a vine) on a trellis.棚架:为…搭棚架,尤指使(葡萄藤)攀援在棚架上2. To make (something) in the form of a trellis.用三根线织某物语源:1. Middle English trelis 中古英语 trelis 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Vulgar Latin *tril&9{ºcius} 源自 俗拉丁语 *tril&9{ºcius} 4. from Latin tril&9{ºx}  tril&9{º}c- [woven with three threads] 源自 拉丁语 tril&9{ºx}  tril&9{º}c- [用三根线织] 5. tri- [tri-] tri- [前缀,表“三”] 6. l&9{ºcium} [thread] l&9{ºcium} [线]




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