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单词 tripoli
释义 tripoli['tripəli]n. 硅藻土【医】 硅藻岩 tripoli  AHD:  [tr¹p“…-l¶] D.J.  [6tr!p*li8]K.K.  [6tr!p*li]n.(名词)  【复数】 trip.o.lis A porous, lightweight, siliceous sedimentary rock composed of the shells of diatoms or radiolarians or of finely weathered chert, used as an abrasive and a polish.硅土:一种包含有硅藻土或砂藻土或已风化石粉末的黑硅土的脆而轻的硅沉积岩,用作研磨剂和抛光剂语源:1. French 法语 2. probably after  Tripoli [Lebanon] 可能源自  Tripoli[黎巴嫩]  Tripoli  AHD:  [tr¹p“…-l¶] D.J.  [6tr!p*li8]K.K.  [6tr!p*li]NONE(无词性)1. A historical region of northern Africa roughly coextensive with the ancient region of Tripolitania. It became part of the Barbary States in the 16th century and later passed to Turkey and Italy.的黎波里:北非历史上的一个工区,大约与古代的黎波里塔尼亚地区同时期存在,16世纪该地区成为巴巴里诸国的一部分,后来归属土耳其和意大利管辖2. A city of northwest Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea north-northeast of Beirut. Probably founded after the seventh centuryb.c. , it was capital of a Phoenician federation and later flourished under the Seleucid and Roman empires. Tripoli was captured by the Arabs in a.d.  638 and taken by the Crusaders in 1109 after a long siege. Population, 198,000. 的黎波里:黎巴嫩西北部的一个城市,临地中海,位于贝鲁特东北偏北方。很可能建于公元前 7世纪以后,曾是腓尼基联邦的首府,后来在塞琉古王朝和罗马帝国的统治下繁荣一时。 公元 638年,的黎波里被阿拉拍人占领,1109年十字军骑士在对它进行了长时间的包围后终于攻占了它。人口198,000 3. The capital and largest city of Libya, in the northwest part of the country on the Mediterranean Sea. Settled by Phoenicians from Tyre, it has Roman and Byzantine remains. Population, 858,500.的黎波里:利比亚的首都和第一大城市,位于利比亚的西北部,临地中海,最早是提尔的腓尼基人建立,该市保留有罗马的拜占庭式的古迹。人口858,500继承用法:Tripol“itan  AHD:  [tr¹-p¼l“¹-tn] (形容词)(名词)




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