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单词 trite
释义 trite[trait]a. 老一套的, 陈腐的, 用坏的 trite  trite  AHD:  [trºt] D.J.  [tra!t]K.K.  [tra!t]adj.(形容词),trit.est 1. Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition; hackneyed.陈腐的,老一套的:因久用或重复而失去引起兴趣的力量的,老生常谈的2. Archaic Frayed or worn out by use.【古语】 用坏了的,磨损了的语源:Latin tr&9{ºtus} [from past participle of] terere [to wear out] * see  ter…- 1拉丁语 tr&9{ºtus}  [] 源自terere的过去分词 [用坏] *参见 ter…- 1继承用法:trite“ly  adv.(副词)trite“ness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. trite,hackneyed,shopworn,stereotyped,threadbare,stale,banal2. These adjectives describe something, such as writing or speech, that lacks appeal or power because it lacks freshness.这些形容词都用来描述一些因为缺乏新鲜感而没有引力或魅力的东西,如文章或讲话。3. Trite, hackneyed,   andshopworn  imply overfamiliarity resulting from overuse or repetition; the terms often suggest reduction of something once forceful to an empty formula or cliché: Trite, hackneyed  和shopworn 暗指因为过度使用或重复而导致熟悉了; 这几个词通常暗示曾一度强有力的东西已为成了空洞无味的套式或陈词滥调: shopworn slogans.陈旧的口号。4. Stereotyped   refers to what is so lacking in originality or creative force that it seems a mechanical reproduction: Stereotyped  指的是某些东西极端缺乏新意或创造性,简直就象是机械的再生产: stereotyped phrases of condolence.固定不变的安慰词。5. Threadbare   suggests that something has been overworked until it is worn out: Threadbare  暗含有因过分利用而兴趣耗尽的东西: a threadbare argument.老掉牙的论点。6. Stale   implies that something has lost novelty or interest because it has been overused or because it is dated or passé: Stale  的意思是某物因过分使用或因为时间久远已失去了新奇感或兴趣: stale jokes.老掉牙的笑话。7. Banal   applies to what is commonplace or inane: Banal  用于平庸的或无意义的东西: banal lyrics. 无意义的歌词




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