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单词 triton
释义 triton 1  triton 1  AHD:  [trºt“n] D.J.  [6tra!tn]K.K.  [6tra!t2]n.(名词)Any of various chiefly tropical marine gastropod mollusks of the family Cymatiidae, having a pointed, spirally twisted, often colorfully marked shell.棱尾螺:一种嵌线螺科的大多产于热带的腹足类海洋软体动物,有螺旋形的、顶部很尖的、色彩斑斓的壳语源:Latin Tr&9{ºt½n} [Triton (from representations of the sea god holding a conch shell)] * see  Triton 拉丁语 Tr&9{ºt½n} [特赖登(源于对拿着螺号的海神的描绘)] *参见 Triton triton 2  triton 2  AHD:  [trº“t¼n”] D.J.  [6tra!7tKn]K.K.  [6tra!7t$n]n.(名词)The nucleus of tritium, consisting of two neutrons and one proton.氘核:氘的原子核,由两个中子和一个质子组成语源:1. trit(ium) trit(ium)2. -on 1-on1 Triton  Tri.ton  AHD:  [trºt“n] D.J.  [6tra!tn]K.K.  [6tra!t2]n.(名词)1. Greek Mythology A god of the sea, son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, portrayed as having the head and trunk of a man and the tail of a fish.【希腊神话】 特赖登:海里的一个神,波塞冬和安菲特里特的儿子,被描绘成具有人的头、躯干和鱼的尾2. Astronomy The satellite of Neptune that is second in distance from the planet.【天文学】 海卫一:距离海王星第二远的海王星卫星语源:1. Latin Trit½n 拉丁语 Trit½n 2. from Greek 源自 希腊语




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