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单词 Trojan
释义 Trojan['trəudʒən]a. 特洛伊的, 特洛伊人的n. 特洛伊人, 勤勉的人, 勇士 Trojan 1  Tro.jan  AHD:  [tr½“j…n] D.J.  [6tr*&d9*n]K.K.  [6trod9*n]n.(名词)1. A native or inhabitant of ancient Troy.特洛伊人:古代特洛伊城的原住民或居民2. A person of courageous determination or energy.勇士:坚毅的人,有勇气或活力的人语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Latin Tr½i³nus 源自 拉丁语 Tr½i³nus 3. from Tr½ia [Troy] 源自 特洛伊 [特洛伊] 4. from Greek Tr½ia 源自 希腊语 特洛伊 5. from Tr½s [the mythical founder of Troy] 源自 Tr½s [神话中特洛伊的建立者] 继承用法:Tro“jan  adj.(形容词) Trojan 2  Trojan 2  AHD:  [tr½“j…n] D.J.  [6tr*&d/*n]K.K.  [6trod/*n]adj.(形容词)Of or relating to a celestial body, especially an asteroid, that is in one of the Lagrangian points of a two-body system. Used especially of any of a group of asteroids that orbit at Jupiter's distance from the sun, but 60&9{=} ahead of or behind the planet.特洛伊银河体系:为双体系统中拉格朗日点上一个天体的,尤指小行星,或与之相关的。特别用于指代以木星到太阳的距离沿轨道运行,但以60或更高的角度,位于行星之前或之后的一群小行星中的任何一个语源:[From the names of heroes of the Trojan War used for these asteroids] [From the names of heroes of the Trojan War used for these asteroids]




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