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单词 troop
释义 troop[tru:p]n. 军队, 一群, 一队vi. 群集, 结队, 成群而行 troop  troop  AHD:  [tr›p] D.J.  [tru8p]K.K.  [trup]n.Abbr. tr.,trp.(名词)缩写 tr.,trp.1. A group or company of people, animals, or things.See Synonyms at band 2See Synonyms at flock 1(人、兽或事物的)群,队参见 band2参见 flock12. A group of soldiers.一群士兵3. troops Military units; soldiers.troops 军队;部队4. A unit of at least five Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts under the guidance of an adult leader.童子军:由至少五个男童子军或女童子军组成的由一个成年人领导的小队5. A great many; a lot.大量;许多v.intr.(不及物动词)  trooped,,troops 1. To move or go as a throng.成群移动,成群前行2. To assemble or move in crowds.群集、成群;成群地来去3. To consort; associate.陪伴;交往语源:1. French troupe 法语 troupe 2. from Old French trope 源自 古法语 trope 3. probably from Vulgar Latin *troppu- 可能源自 俗拉丁语 *troppu-




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