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单词 trophy
释义 trophy['trəufi]n. 战利品, 奖品vt. 用战利品装饰 trophy  tro.phy  AHD:  [tr½“f¶] D.J.  [6tr*&fi8]K.K.  [6trofi]n.(名词)  【复数】 tro.phies 1. A prize or memento, such as a cup or plaque, received as a symbol of victory, especially in sports.奖品,奖杯(牌):尤指体育比赛中,作为胜利的象征而授予的奖品或纪念品,例如奖杯或奖牌2. A specimen or part, such as a lion's head, preserved as a token of a successful hunt.胜利纪念品:作为成功的狩猎象征而被保存下来的猎获物样品或部分,例如狮子头3. A memento, as of one's personal achievements.纪念品,战利品:纪念品,如个人成就的纪念品4. The spoils of war, dedicated in classical antiquity with an inscription to a deity and set up as a temporary monument on or near a battlefield, hung or placed in an existing temple, or housed in a permanent, new structure.胜利纪念柱:古代被刻上文字而敬献给神的战利品,作为临时性纪念碑而被竖立于战场上或附近;悬挂或放置于一已建好的庙宇中,或存放于一永久性的新建筑物之中5. Architecture An ornamental marble carving or bronze casting depicting a group of weapons or armor placed upon a square or circular base.【建筑学】 战利品雕饰:置于一正方形或圆形底座之上的,图形为一堆武器或盔甲的装饰性大理石石雕或铜雕语源:1. French trophée 法语 trophée 2. from Old French trophee 源自 古法语 trophee 3. from Latin trophaeum [monument to victory] 源自 拉丁语 trophaeum [胜利纪念碑] 4. variant of tropaeum tropaeum的变体 5. from Greek tropaion [from neuter of] tropaios [of defeat] 源自 希腊语 tropaion  [] 源自tropaios的中性词 [失败的] 6. from trop¶ [a turning, rout] * see  trep- 源自 trop¶ [转折点,溃败] *参见 trep-  -trophy  -trophy  suff.(后缀)Nutrition; growth:表示“营养;增长”:hypertrophy.肥大语源:1. Greek -trophia 希腊语 -trophia 2. from troph¶ 源自 troph¶ 3. from trephein [to nourish] 源自 trephein [给予营养]




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