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单词 -tropic
释义 -tropic  -tropic  suff.(后缀)1. Turning or changing in a specified way or in response to a specified stimulus:表示“转向,亲…性”:以特定的方式或对特定刺激加以反应而转向或转变的:heliotropic.向日性的2. Affecting or attracted to something specified:表示“被…影响的,被…吸引的”:gonadotropic.促性腺的语源:From Greek trop¶ [a turning] * see  tropic 源自 希腊语 trop¶ [转折] *参见 tropic tropic  trop.ic  AHD:  [tr¼p“¹k] D.J.  [6trKp!k]K.K.  [6tr$p!k]n.Abbr. trop.(名词)缩写 trop.1. Either of two parallels of latitude on the earth, one 23&9{=}27&S{¢} north of the equator and the other 23&9{=}27&S{¢} south of the equator, representing the points farthest north and south at which the sun can shine directly overhead and constituting the boundaries of the Torrid Zone.回归线:地球上分别位于北纬23&9{=}27&S{¢}和南纬23&9{=}27&S{¢}的两条平行纬线,代表太阳可直射的最北端和最南端,并由热带分界线构成2. Tropics  or tropics The region of the earth's surface lying between these latitudes.Tropics  或 tropics 热带地区:位于上述两纬度之间的地球表面地区3. Astronomy Either of two corresponding parallels of celestial latitude that are the limits of the apparent northern and southern passages of the sun.【天文学】 (天球的)回归线:代表太阳经过的最北视界线与最南视界线的两条相应的天球纬线adj.Abbr. trop.(形容词)缩写 trop.Of or relating to the Tropics; tropical.热带的:热带的与热带有关的;热带的语源:1. Middle English tropik 中古英语 tropik 2. from Old French tropique 源自 古法语 tropique 3. from Late Latin tropicus 源自 后期拉丁语 tropicus 4. from Latin [of a turn] 源自 拉丁语 [转折的] 5. from Greek tropikos 源自 希腊语 tropikos 6. from trop¶ [a turning] * see  trep- 源自 trop¶ [转折] *参见 trep-




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