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单词 tsimmes
释义 tsimmes  tsimmes 或 tzim.mes  AHD:  [ts¹m“¹s] D.J.  [6ts!m!s]K.K.  [6ts!m!s]n.(名词)1. A stew of vegetables or fruits cooked slowly over very low heat.文火炖煮的果菜:在文火上慢煮的蔬菜或水果2. Informal A state of confusion.【非正式用语】 骚乱语源:1. Yiddish tsimes 意第绪语 tsimes 2. Middle High German ze, zuo [to, for]  from Old High German * see  de- 中古高地德语 ze, zuo [去,为了]  源自 古高地德语 *参见 de- 3. Middle High German imbiz [light meal]  from Old High German  from enbizzan [to eat]  in [in] * see  en  b&9{ºzan, bizzan} [to bite] * see  bheid- 中古高地德语 imbiz [清淡菜肴]  源自 古高地德语  源自 enbizzan [吃]  in [在…里] *参见 en  b&9{ºzan, bizzan} [咬] *参见 bheid-




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